What is this spreadsheet thing.Is it a fact or a myth?.I understand data input on players weight,height,lung capacity bleep test stamina etc in fact all clubs will have these stats.So what is the spreadsheet that some keep blaming.
Think it’s based on match performance data mate based on their the position they play,such as passes, tackles,completed in a game, ground covered, shots, assists, goals of course. Oh age and possible sell on value.
I have a lot of respect for you Brian, your loyalty to the club rarely wavers, but this is just a wind up post isn't it?
Thanks for reply,no its not a wind up I honestly wondered what the spreadsheet is.Whenever something goes wrong or we play badly the spreadsheet always seems to get a mention.Whilst I have loyalty to my club its not blind faith.Somethings have gone wrong and it could lead to relegation "I hope not".Sometimes I take the simplistic view that some teams in every division will be relegated and its the nature of the game.I suppose all 14 teams who suffer this fate will be thinking what could we have done better,its not confined to the powers at Oakwell.
The difference between ourselves and other clubs is that they use the spreadsheets to identify players to improve their squad. We use ours to identify low priced players who over the course of a couple of years will increase in value so they can be sold for profit. Theirs makes their team betters ours doesn't focus on making our team better, it focuses on money above all else which is why it gets blamed because it is the spreadsheet which severely restricts the players we can sign, nobody over a certain age (23 is it?), Nobody who is near their peak etc and if you need a tough tackling midfielder who won't take any **** bshit but there aren't any on the spreadsheet cheap enough, young enough and with the correct attributes to be better in two years then tough luck you will have to sign another number 10 instead because they are on the sheet in abundance.
Very profound. I was really surprised at the number of people buying season tickets this season, bearing in mind the majority of the squad would be in year one of the two year cycle. Maybe a good chunk of those season ticket holders are under 12!!