That particular gentleman made the comment of being a true fan, unlike anyone who didn't attend, for quite a few weeks after. I'm surprised you don't remember the furore it caused on the BBS.
O, i do remember it! It’s just the name was a blast from the past.... something i had purposely pushed into the darkest corner of my mind!
You're right, old mate, I shouldn't have brought his name up. I apologise to everyone, but especially Load Bearing Pillar. It was totally crass, asinine, ignorant and thoughtless of me.
You’re forgiven my friend! You could say it’s all water under the bridge! But some muddy ponds never seem to flow under it Hope you are well!
Certainly am. I now hold the distinguished job title of Retired Granddad and thoroughly enjoying it. Hope you and yours are well. I take it you're still enjoying life with the Norwegians?
Good to hear! But be great Yes, still in Norway! But dating a lass who lives in Sheffield. My first love from when i was 17 Life is good!
Brilliant and it couldn't happen to a nicer bloke (and there goes your street cred now I've said that!).