That punch when we were under pressure was fantastic. The type of thing he’s been lacking. If he’d have followed it up with the match winning save overall he’d have played well today. A few aspects of his game did look better but unfortunately he doesn’t have the heroics in his locker we saw from Luke Steele under Flicker. He’s just not good enough.
Or Shay Given who doesn’t have a club and is clearly fit enough if he could do 12 hours for Comic relief. Wonder if we have asked about him
Davies hasn't been as good this season as he has in his previous seasons but he's still the best we've got in my opinion and there is no way we could risk an untested kid in the championship. Davies isn't alone in having a below standard season either.
The annoying thing is I think Davies can be good enough. Last season up until the mistake Winnall in April he’d had a very good season but he’s just not recovered, his confidence looks shot to pieces. He’s like a boxer that’s been knocked out for the first time & isn’t the same again