Thought he was really good today. Came off his line well very unlucky with their second but some people will try to have a pop at him whatever he does.
He was defending in his natural position when he made the error. The strange thing about McCarthy is his best moments come in the right wing position and his worst come in the right back.
It was a poor substitution to chuck someone in out of position after little or no game time so unsurprising he wasn’t up to it.
Sorry Jim, you’re making excuses for a player who has done the same time and time again this season. Especially after his Daddy had made his mouth on twatter
No. Let’s plays your game. What position of the field was McCarthy defending in when he failed to stop the cross which lead to Bristol’s goal?
Why did you reply to my comment further up then? If you’re struggling with the McCarthy question I’ll give you a clue...
Took 10 mins too long to sub Isgrove. He should have gone off straight after the breakaway when we had 3 on 2. Definitely carrying an injury of some kind and ineffective today.
Wasting breath. I believe the way this works is he relentlessly can slate players he deems unworthy of praise (no matter how they play), but those he deems “exciting” get regular posts if they so much as manage to fart in the direction of the goal. It’s amusing to watch. It’s like a poor mans version of Hemsie.
I've been really disappointed with him the second half of the season, I though their second goal summed him up - a great save followed by some kind of Benny Hill run around - from the sublime to the ridiculous.