Yiadom and.....? Not convinced with Fryers. Cavare.....meh, too erratic. McCarthy not good enough. Pearson is too slow and more a centre back, but a league 1 standard centre back. So that leaves Pinnillos? Thought he looked the business early on, but then it all went wrong. Personally that left back position is our weak link, Fryers isn't good enough. So maybe time for one of the youngsters to have a chance? Ben Williams has been impressing in the U23's according to reports, maybe give him a go?
I like Cavare. Ability wise. Does seem a hothead though. Probably Yiadom and Cavare for me. We need a Yiadom for right back and left back huh?
Cavare - if he could keep his head screwed on. Don’t think the chopping and changing between Fryers and Pinillos helps either of them or the centre backs. Would like Jose to pick his best 4 and let them play and get to know each other’s games - although it is quite relentless Saturday/Tuesday. Personally would prefer Pinnock to Lindsey. He looked a class above before his injury. And a threat up top.
In terms of continuity, yes. Although Fryers was comfortably our weakest player this afternoon and unfortunately took the same accolade against Bristol. The problem we’ve got is that Yiadom is our best full back irrespective of the flank. As that’s the case I’d play him left back with Cavaré at right back. I also like the idea of our best left back playing at left back when we’re playing McBurnie as a wide left forward as it necessitates a strong full back behind him.
I thought Yiadom was bang average today tbh, didn't carry much of a forward threat, faffed about in no-mans land - coming inside and leaving the Utd winger free, going outside and leaving the Utd player inside free a bit of a cack afternoon by his usual standards.