We used to call the standing area in front of the West Stand the Paddock. The Brewery was always the Brewery, wooden and reeking of pipe tobacco. I stood in both, Paddock early 70s when there was zero excitement and you just wanted a quick exit on to Grove Street, and Brewery mid-70s when Bradford City came so we could pretend to be hard. When we played Villa in the early 70s I stood in the Ponty, as far from their fans as possible. I only pretended to be hard.
This day and age there's no need for a gantry, with remote camera technology we could easily revert back to the original. Get automatic openers for the little doors though, I'm sure elf & safety would have something to say about a bloke having to climb up rickety ladders though to open them
In the mid 80s Calendar didn't use the gantry for a few midweek games. The cameras they used were at ground level so gave an impression of how we saw it in the stands.