So if you thought January was very disappointing you've got to point the finger at Hecky and the signings he wanted.A good board back the manager and both Patrick and the new consortium backed Paul.
How do you know that.We'd been trying to sign him for months and as Paul said himself he wouldn't sign players he didn't want.
I’m not blaming Jose for the January window, I’m blaming him for the questionable team selections, tactics and formations. In regards to the owners, I’m blaming their questionable appointment of Morais, lack of communication since the December press conference that banged on about what they’ve achieved at OGC Nice and the fact they knew we were struggling in January but allowed us to bring in mediocre players as to fall in line with their vision of following the same Cryne era spreadsheet. I hope this has been a lesson for them.
Fair enough but he also said in an interview that he wouldn't sign just anybody and if a player was put forward to him the club would be wasting there money as he wouldn't play them.That suggests to me Paul signed the players he wanted doesn't it?.It seems to me the players who have done well were signed by Hecky and the players who haven't done so well were signed by the club.I'm sorry but that doesn't wash with me.The ex manager can't have it both ways.
You can't blame the board for signing "mediocre" players.They like any good board backed there manager.
Good post that. But you do know what yer saying there - right? That in fact Hecky was stealthily forced out of the club. Ganaye and the new owners were left with a problem regarding Hecky - they didn’t want him but he was a fans favourite so how could they sack him ??? I’ve been saying it from the summer - Heckys comments about player recruitment in the summer were ringing alarm bells. Ganaye brought players in late in the summer - then fooked the McBurnie deal up - and didn’t bring in a full compliment of players - especially strikers. The new owners then didn’t put their hands in their pockets to bring in any quality players in during January - other than what Patrick had set aside to bring in. Also the new owners saying in the summer they want the club to be ‘more international’. For me - and Ilike I said Ive been saying this from the summer - all this adds up to something going on that us fans have not been made aware of. Reading between the lines I think Hecky jumped ship because he could see what was happening - the club didn’t want him. With regard to Heckys move to Leeds - what Hecky has said about being ambitious is a smoke screen to make the directors and fans of Leeds feel good about his appointment. Hecky couldn’t say to the directors and fans at Leeds - it looked like I was going to get the sack at Barnsley so I’ve decided to jump ship and move to Leeds United. Now how bad would that look for the Leeds fans ??? !!! Hecky has moved to a much poorer club.
The players were identified by the spreadsheet meeting a very specific set of criteria that focused on potential resale value. The head coach could say yes or no to the signing of individual players but was not able to identify and request the signing of players himself. If by backed him you mean offered him 700 number 10s who were all raw with a future resale value then yes they backed him. If you mean backed him by allowing him to identify players who were best for the TEAM regardless of age or future value then they couldn't have backed him any less.
Does your autocorrect keep changing Patrick to Ganaye? Just to remind you for the 900millionth time. Ganaye is a paid employee who does as he's told by his bosses.
He obviously could of said no we have enough number 10s unless he was a complete yes man which in interviews he stated this was not the case.
Those are things that we cannot know YN, but we can certainly have our suspicions about. I'm not sure what the identity of our club is any more, or what the new owners real short and medium term goals are. Except the one about "stabilising in the Championship" - which we look like missing. As far as a "poorer club" goes, if we really are going to live within our means and abide by FFP religiously (especially in League One), then Leeds with their 30,000 crowds will not seem a poorer club.
The thing is, everything they will have heard up to taking over will have been how well the approach has worked and no doubts how well it would continue to work with the players signed in the summer and any signed in Jan. What I hope is they have seen through this now and will look to overhaul the transfer policy.
Yep - I’d agree with that. The appointment of Ganaye took a look while - the new owners wanted exactly the right man.
Yes he could but why would he? If you are extremely hungry and somebody is making you a Sunday dinner but they give you no meat, potatoes, cabbage or Yorkshire puddings would you rather sit with just two carrots on your plate and go hungry or would you keep saying yes to more and more carrots because you are so hungry you need ANY food and a plate of carrots is all you are offered?
A little different to a Sunday dinner building a football team to compete in the championship lee Jay never ended up signing 8 players of the same position. Hecky did have a say in recruitment I heard a interview where he said they had been watching ugbo for the Chelsea under 23s for sometime and believe he had the ability to make the step up and score in the championship. I don't think he had any say in thiam, kransmuller or cavare but the rest he did so he has to take some responsibility imo. And it wouldn't be much of a Sunday dinner just carrots so I would say no thanks you are taking the piss I'm going somewhere else for my dinner.
To add to that the French player who turned us down.Hecky said we' had watched him last season but this season he was much improved.That says to me he was always aware of the signings not just signing players put to him.To repeat what Paul said if the club put a player to him he didn't want they would be wasting there money because he wouldn't play them.The club signed the players he wanted because he said so himself.
I wonder if he decided to force Roberts out then? And if he said don't pay scowen and Watkins more money let's gamble on unproven players.
He's obviously knowledgeable to have worked with who and where he has, but all the knowledge in the world won't bridge the gap between championship and league one quality.