I wonder how much involvement he still has at the club. His LinkedIn says he is no longer the Player Recruitment Advisor. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/james-cryne-228b22109
Interesting that he claims he "DESIGNED a player evaluation system for footballers in Divisions 1 and 2 of the Football League and the Conference" rather than that he simply took a passing interest in looking at the spreadsheet we were using.
It was, although I have just found an old fan meeting from 3 years ago in which Patrick admitted that James built the algorithm. Surprised if missed that to be honest, I was always under the impression that Patrick always claimed James just took an interest in looking at the stats rather than that e had built the whole system.
Just imagine. Danny Wilson's interview with Patrick and the board."Now then Danny don't you worry about bringing players in we've got a bloke who does that for you".Who is it does he know owt about football."No but he's good at maths" Sorry Patrick i'm not going to ruin my reputation for a young in who's good at sums.
I understand but Patrick said at the meeting that James was a mathematician and he enjoyed using figures.He also said that managers like Danny Wilson wouldn't work under those conditions.I would imagine every club in football have people who use input for things like lung capacity,bleep test speed and stamina etc.I would be amazed and shocked if James Cryne had ever had any input in picking a signing for any manager.
Best quote from this season of Billions, when skepticism is expressed about the use of "quants" i.e maths models to get ahead of the stock market - "Billy Beane never won a World Series" Taylor, who's trying to bring it in says: "Billy Beane never won the world series, But Theo Epstein did, using all the same strategies. Be Theo Epstein instead."