Listening to his interview he certainly seems to have self-belief. He sounds like he is here for the longer term and if I hear him correctly has tried to make the most of the current crop of players that he inherited, saying that if any player's heart is not in it then he won't be in the side. You can't argue with most of what he has said,however some of his team selections have left me baffled. One thing that really annoys me is the apparent lack of stamina shown by young men ( 21-27)who should be in their prime.My dad worked in the pits in the days and had to shovel 14 tons of coal from the coal face... Now that takes bloody STAMINA!
kin hell arpete I dint shovel 14 ton of coal in a week and i was riping in tail gate, face men (and also worked on front face) only threw gumings on panza. Unless he was hand filling in the 1940's and early 50's or he worked at a dayhoyle.
He was working down the pit in the 40s. He was born in 1927 and started off working at the Shuttle Eye pit at 14. But getting back to the post. We have got to stage where we can't defend a lead and players look'tired' after an hour. One of the fittest seems to be Adam Hamill and he is one of the oldest players at 30!
I can tell you this arpete your dad would be shoveling 14 ton and more in the 1940's for peanuts every day.
My dad died as a result of chronic bronchitis and emphasema thanks to bloody working down the pit for all his life. Some of the footballers should be grateful they have the cushy, well paid job they have and put a full shift in on the pitch for 90mins when playing.
Yes but according to some, playing football requires a level of fitness that is beyond the understanding of the man in the street. In fact, even other sportsmen can't understand how fit you have to be to be a footballer.
So why did BFC employ a sports scientist to improve the fitness of the squad (who then subsequently moved to Leeds). Was he wasting his time and BFC money on his wages if he still couldn't get you full time professionals fit enough to play 90 mins at this level.
It is strange. This seems to be the unfittest squad we’ve had in a few years. Was a problem before Jose turned up. When I say unfittest, I mean stamina wise. Having said that, most of the squad are making a step-up league wise, so perhaps it’s a year of adaptation for them? 2 examples - Thiam - if you’ve met him personally, you’ll know he’s well built and powerful. He ain’t fat at all. But he’s adapting to the English game - I can forgive this. His fitness/stamina should be improved next season. Moncur - been with us 2 seasons now. He knows what’s expected of this league and has played it last season. His fitness/stamina should be better than what it is.
Jose did also say that he WILL take a championship club into the premier league. Didn't say if it would be us, but i can tell him it WON'T be....... Bloke's a clown.
Just an opinion but I’d imagine fitness is a lot more down to bad diet & lack of sleep. Lots of young lads moving away from home for the first time in their careers with not many experienced players to guide them. A lot of them probably can’t cook that well & I’d not be surprised if they’re out a lot or sat up playing Fortnite & Fifa half the night.
Of all the players I think the one I am most disappointed with is Thiam. He just never seems to have lived up to the expectations that the fans had of him. I tend to think Isgrove is injury prone and the Ryan Williams do the season. Too many are still learning their trade and possibly pushed too early into championship football. Others league 1 players and always will be...
It's about having dedication to your profession . Those who are more dedicated and responsible will make it higher in whatever profession they choose . I find it amazing that these players , some plucked from obscurity and given a chance in the Championship basically sit on their hands and blame others . Being breast fed for the first 18 years of their life doesn't help .
Seems a bit harsh. This isnt HIS crop of players and yet he's still got more PPG than Hecky who signed them all. He might not have turned things round, but when he's working with league one players who he didn't sign it seems a bit harsh to call him a clown without a transfer window under his belt.
Disagree. You can have the dedication and be responsible but still be poor. For example - if I dedicated my life to football, I’d probably get to L1/L2 standard maximum. No amount of training would make me Championship or Prem quality! I’m a decent footballer, but I know my limits what I can naturally achieve.
My argument in a nutshell .If you thought you could get to L1/L2 level why didn't you ? Because as you say you weren't dedicated . Our team is full of players who could play comfortably at this level but a mixture of attitude , fitness and application lets them down .
I have no interest in being a professional player. That’s why I didn’t pursue it - also, I’m not as naturally gifted as others. Your argument only stands if you have chosen this as your career path - which in that case I agree to an extent. But top players have a natural ability which no amount of training can give you. But generally yeah, if you work hard and dedicate yourself you should do ok - but fair to say sometimes you need a bit of luck too or know someone.
We also got rid of a very good sports scientist because the club wouldn’t let him be involved with England ladies aswell as us barmy