Where was Giddings, Staton and Buchan’s robust questioning when Heckingbottom refused to clarify whether he was interested in jobs elsewhere, when Heckingbottom dropped 5/6 against Cardiff in the midst of an excellent run or when Heckingbottom and Clapham massaged reality re MacDonald? They rolled over and took whatever was given to them in every single interview, I can’t recall them challenging any responses or posing any difficult questions.
They’re riding on the crest of an anti-Morais wave. You only have to listen to the interviews or Football Heaven to see that they’ve suddenly grown some ******** because they know a lot of the fans will back them. There shouldn’t be any difference, imho. They’re journalists and should be impartial and completely objective.
I just have this feeling if it would be Blunts or fowls they would be putting the other side of the argument forward
Same shithouses that effectively got Richie sacked . If I remember right ( and apologies if not) there was something about recruitment and they made an absolute meal of the difference of opinion between the board at the time and Andy Richie . They seemed to get some perverse pleasure out of it as though they could actually wield some power . Ps they lost Alan’s number tonight ? Alan who is our most regular caller , can’t imagine they’d lose the number of Mork the pitsmoor pig or Brian the or two one Ken ! Just a thought
I had to turn it off tonight. Some of our fans have an agenda against the manager, and whilst in all honesty, he doesn't appear to be the man for the job, our fans are manufacturing things to suit their agenda. One caller tonight, "you could see after the first 3 games that he wasn't the man for the job". Let's roll back, a 2-1 home defeat to Burton where in the first half he played the same team that had started the previous week and we looked dire, he changed it up at half time and we came out fighting. Next was a convincing away win at Birmingham followed by a solid hour against Hull, where we ultimately lost a 2 goal advantage. I'm sorry but if you look at those 3 games alone, and decide the managers not up to it, you've absolutely no intention of giving him a chance from the start.
I think the team on Radio Sheffield are damned if they do and damned if they don't. They more often than not get accused of ducking the tough questions, but when they do ask the tough questions, they get accused of trying to get managers sacked. Hecky was questioned weekly about speculation linking him elsewhere, and the difference was that he constantly dismissed it immediately.
Pathetic programme,whether a team wins or loses its full of knee jerk reactions , & tonight I tuned in to see if the reds fans would give the presenters enough ammunition to hammer us & trust me , they did not disappoint , embarrassing
The immediate issue thereafter was either Hammill being omitted or alternatively McBurnie playing ‘wide’ irrespective of performances. The knives were out for Morais early doors from certain odious quarters.
I agree, and the constant calls for Mick McCarthy to come home on twitter prove the sort of choice some of our fans want.
That’s not the case. He was asked an easily duckable question and his response was taken as fact and left at that. He was never pushed on the issue. When they gave a response to RS re MacDonald it was also taken as gospel.
I think the MacDonald issue has been deliberately kept quiet though. Maybe there's legal issues behind it, but it's all been a bit hush hush on that front all together.
There loving it there having us live commentary Saturday hoping for us to go down and hassle morais even more
They seem to want us relegated because of the situation we may be in the championship with money next season