Told he can leave in the summer . Some incentive for him to put a shift in if he gets on the pitch . At least Reading interested .
Source? I would of kept for league one personally. Can we get a proper manager if we go down before any players
Seems odd we would we decide he could go now. I would love to know who will be calling the shots on transfers from here on in. So it is hope we don' sell for peanuts would score plenty in league one. And was played upfront alone with zero service 1st half of season.
First test of the new owners. Don’t need to sell. Proven goal scorer in L1 & good first half of the season. Under Contract. Jack Marriott from Peterborough is 23 and has scored 77 goals in 201 professional matches. Mainly L1, L2 and non league. Valued at £5m by their club. Bradshaw is 25, Full Welsh international and has scored 65 in 244 games. With 80 of those at championship level.
We'd be daft to let Bradshaw leave. Proven goalscorer at L1 level and where are we going to get another of those from in today's inflated market? Probably from Portugal or somewhere else abroad if JM is staying. That's what worries me.....
Hope it’s all a load of tosh. Now’s not the time for this and it’s extremely poor PR if so. Also, I believe Bradshaw would be a vital part of our squad in League 1.
Shows a lack of ambition if he does go well depending on who we bring in. Look at Blackburn kept danny Graham added some quality in dack ect and come straight back up. Another big turnover and we could struggle. And that's a scary thought jose and a load of Portugal young ens in.
If we did sell and go for someone who isn't even proven at league one level it would show us the direction we are taking.