Is that for the coaches? There's 9 coaches on the list and the message for every single one is "We're Sorry! None of the prices you selected could be found. Please contact the box office directly".
Check your bank account or email. I got the timed out message when renewing my season ticket but it had gone through.
I had that initially as I'd selected seated tickets. Leave the option at all tickets and it should work.
That doesn't seem to do anything either anymore. All options now give the same "can't find tickets for the selected price" response. So I'm guessing is properly sold out now.
I had 2 in my basket. Was waiting for mate to get back to me but never did. They've now been released, now when re-adding I also get the 'none of prices you selected' message.
If they’ve taken money you’ve probably got them, surprised at no email though. Their system has been ***** for a long time, always throwing up errors when tickets have actually been bought.
It was saying that at 10 past 1 for me. I've been lucky in the past getting Anfield tickets etc, but unlucky this time. Such is life. I don't like bashing the club but I'm not relying on that online system again cos it's *****.
I was straight on at 1 and it went a bit funny. It was telling me I was in a queue and not to sign out or I would lose my place. I signed out and back in and it was OK. I'm really relieved because my mate hasn't missed an away game all season, and trusted me to sort them out.