well I am an only child..... but it was not always that way... I had siblings once. One wasa Wendy fan, another a blunt, then there was the Donny and the Millers siblings... sadly we even had one who was a Man Ure fan too.... but as I say I am an only child .... as they all are now in shallow graves on Ilkley moor.... BAAAAAAR TAT
Many years ago my son came to me and my wife and in a wavering nervous voice said he wanted to talk to us about something in his life that he wanted us to know about. "what is it son" I said gentley.... my wife looked very nervous at this point "please Mum.. Dad " he blurted out... "Please try to understand me" he was wringing his hands and was obviously in turmoil "Come along son... you can tell me and yer Mum".. I said reassuringly "Well I have to tell " .. he said almost in a whisper.... " I have to tell you I am 'coming out' and I am in fact Gay"..... tears began to roll down his cheeks "WHAAAT"... I said ... "WHAAAT"... "P P P Please Dad try to understand " he said ... now crying I grabbed him to my chest I hugged him I kissed him... I wept " so are you ok with this Father " ... he said " Of course I am Son"... " of course I am" ... and hugged him close again "for one terrible moment I thought you were gonna tell us you were FECKIN MAN URE FAN" The oldies are the best folks.
No idea how you remember your 1st match. I'm guessing mine was around that time 78 or 79..Probably didn't start paying on turnstiles till 83..
Its kind of memorable when its a midweek game under the lights, with 26 thousand people there to see a 4th divison game, where we won promotion. If I close my eyes I can picture the scene vividly.
My other half is a Leeds fan, like all her family. Our two boys were both born in Derby and our nine year old will be supporting Derby in the home end on Sunday. He could well be in foster care by Monday, bank holiday or not. My eldest, and now favourite, twelve year old son will be in the away end with me.
Wife’s family all season ticket holders at Leeds Numerous clandestine trips to Elland Road, bribery with corporate hospitality, sweets, and purchase of full Leeds kits later....all failed. Both my boys are reds.