Lets just say, the one in Wakefield I've,ahem, found myself in, at the end of the night - its like when you thought you'd reached the bottom, then you go there and you realise this is the bottom. They used to do tranny acts - if that's your thing, not sure if they still do like, been a while since I was "dragged" in....
Often I have found that it’s not the place but the company you’re in. I would imagine if you’re out with a group of folk it’ll be a good laugh.
You poor people obviously never went to Antonios, Amsterdam Bar New York Bar in the late 70's early 80's. Run by people who used to put a drag act on plus great live groups from 60'S/70's. Never an ounce of trouble and never been bettered for atmosphere.
If your complaint was purely that the name is inappropriate I'd be inclined to agree with you but as it isn't I can't
My complaint is its yet another boozer in a town that doesn't need yet another boozer, my opinion on the name is that its awful and doesn't really lend itself to raising the town's image (which is why I was surprised that the council signed off on it, due to the fact that we're trying to reinvent people's opinion of the town centre) and also caberet is something that's been tried in town multiple times and every time it's failed.
Is there anyone in 2018 who still finds drag acts funny or entertaining? Even Paul O' Grady stopped doing it ages ago and he was pretty much the only funny one.
Mate, my daughter and her highly educated fellow students love nothing better than a drag night out . I beleive their hero man/woman inbetweener is called Ru Paul .
Well, bmbc have granted an alcohol license from 7am to 2am for a premier stores shop that's opening at the former jax music shop so stranger things have happened. Straight across from a nursery, and an alcoholic and druggie drop in centre as well.