You do realise if they hadn't been sold they would be gone for nowt now anyway. Or do you think we forced Conor to go to villa in front of 40 thousand and take a pay increase of about six times? As for slagging pat off every 2 mins people should have abit more respect. He put his hand in his own pocket to bring mawson, Conor and Sam here and paid towards keeping the accademy going each year and that's just a start.
Had he ran the club in such a way as to have maximised our income rather than operating a bare minimum policy perhaps he wouldn't have had to subsidise losses made during his ownership. It is my opinion that Patrick ran the club in an extremely short term 'ticking over' manner which gave us no opportunity for growth or sustainability long term. It is also my opinion that while Patrick repeatedly said he didn't want to be the long term owner of the club (and the point I raise above suggests that was indeed the case) he also didn't actively make any real attempts to find a new owner for the majority of his time as custodian. It appears that it was only when he sadly developed cancer that he, out of desperation, sought out a new owner. This is criticism of him but I want to stress that it isn't intended to be personal criticism as everything he did he did with the best of intentions. I just feel that his personal feelings regarding owning bfc affected how he ran the club in a negative way. That said I'm extremely appreciative of his intentions and efforts. My criticism is of his decisions not of his person and I hope that despite the way my posts come across his family are aware of that.
Your last paragraph is fair comment ST. But is it not possible to accept that the short term costs in league placing of keeping the books balanced have put us now in a position of financial strength unprecedented in our history? For the sake of a one or two season set back we could move to greater heights than we've ever dreamed. That's assuming the new owners deliver. Neither you, I or Patrick could be certain of that.
When future transfer funds are used to keep the club running i hope the new owners get the same level of understanding. Mawson should bring a sell on fee now it looks like swansea are down. It wont be spent on players.
Unless you were a shareholder, as a man in the street, would you reserve the right to question the financial dealings of Mohamed Al Fayed ( formerly Harrods and Fulham), Alan Sugar (Amstrad and formerly Spurs), Steve Gibson (Bulkhaul and Middlesbrough), Roman Abromovich ( Millhouse LLC and Chelsea) or Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyar ( Abu Dhabi United Group and Manchester City).? The simple answer is no you would not. So as a supporter of Barnsley Football Club did I have the right to criticise the financial decisions made by Patrick Cryne.? The simple answer is no I didn't, nor did any other fan have that right. That is the situation going forward as far as the incumbent board is concerned. If we/ you/ I don't like it, all we could do is withdraw our financial support by not buying Season tickets or merchandise etc. So long as our books are audited and filed at Companies House annually, the Board has no other legal or fiscal responsibility as far as the fan base is concerned.
Have we seen evidence to support that fact.? If I remember the mission statement when they took control, the new owners said they would fund attempts to get into the Premiership, but they wouldn't do anything " crazy". I would guess that once the new Coach is settled in, some of his "targets" will be recruited. GG himself has said that players will go and players will come in. Let's hope they have the necessary quality to challenge at the top end of League One instead of having to mount another struggle against relegation.
Yeah and he got back his personal investment in ******* gold bars on the sales of Stones, Holgate and Conor himself hence why we sold them on for a reyt profit that was never reinvested in the team! By no means am I slating PC, he was brilliant and I respect the man deeply but get your rose tinted glasses off.
You have clearly no idea how much money needs to be generated to operate a football club. A good friend of mine is a football accountant...representing some serious football names....the joke in football accountancy circles is , how to make yourself a millionaire a billionaire and buy a football club.
He is entitled to take his own money back that he put into the club. If the new owners put the same % of their wealth pat did we will be big spenders. But they haven't come here to throw money at us and expect nothing back.