Watch this space....... After a few brilliant years being involved with WSB it's made me think an 'old school' intro is coming. The WSB coin raised was absolutely unbelievable! Ultimately the focus on producing the mag became too much on top of the other WSB focuses. The 6 of us were absolutely stretched and inevitably the 'paper part' of it was a bridge too far. The efforts of the lads involved can never be underestimated! Sat up til daft o'clock posting mags out, picking up, selling it, delivering stuff. Most had kids, 1, 2, 3 jobs each in some cases. Self employed who did above and beyond for nowt! As a team I personally think it went quite well ..... but .... I think there's still a market for a fanzine, sommet to read at Accrington Stanley away ont coach after we've lost 3-0! So as I said, watch this space...... Ethics will be the same with a slightly less approach and with a lot less effort! E&D Dyson, Neil, Rob, Phil, Jez cheers for the last one UTR
Thanks for the kind messages and offers of help. Remember you dont have to own a journalist degree to help! I definitely havent. Cheers for the support
have the club actually said they will not be issuing any more programmes.... I just thought it had now become optional.