The Rotherham cases became public due to Andrew Norfolk's excellent reporting for The Times. Not establishment, obviously!
Well, what happened there is we had endless condemnations of the Church in the Media - especially the left - and calls for it to be closed down and other shrill comments about the culture of the Church and how it had covered it up. Whilst much of it is no doubt valid we really do not have the same endless opinion pieces in the same media about the problem of Asian grooming gangs now this has come to light recently, they may well report on the big cases, but then its just deafening silence. I've noticed that since Saville and the cover ups on the NHS and BBC those same media outlets who were quick to condemn the Church have gone quiet.
Need to add peterbrough, newcastle, oxford and bristol to your list of apparently un-reported cases too.
They became public when the Police prosecuted the 6 perpetrators after a Council commissioned report said there had been over 1000 i always thought the press only started reporting on it after a Rotherham Council commissioned independent investigation reported that there were 1000 plus victims , 6 of the perpetrators were already arrested
I thought the incidents in Rotherham only came to light when the whistle blower spoke to Andrew Norfolk and he asked his editor if he could run with it.
Cases like this don't always come out because they are the tip of the iceberg. Operationally sensitive cases, now you can bring a few before a court and stop, or bring an entire ring down. Every week in South Yorkshire alone offenders of this nature of all colours, backgrounds and religions are standing trial. There was a giant data sweep worldwide, this was in the mainstream news. This has lead to massive operations and hundreds of arrests. Some offenders have cooperated and as a result more are being brought to book. So when a court tells you not to do something, you don't it or face the consequences.
“Idiots like this?” You need to do more research and quickly before you even dare call someone an idiot...
Personally I've noticed that the media has focused on the religion of Muslim paedophile farm ore than it has on the religion of others what religion is Jimmy Saville anyway?
I'd call him mildly cretinous for putting months of police work at risk and potentially letting them off
Yeah so im guessing Hitler was a top guy too, then? I can't believe how anyone can justify or support what that guy comes out with. He's a disgusting human being.
Never been a supporter of Robinson and nor am I right wing. I’m a centralist who does not advocate racism or xenophobia but then again, I do not vote Labour either and never will. I have many friends and acquaintances who are of European and many other ethnic groups but I call a spade a spade and Robinson reporting on such scumbags I feel is just. The problem with this country is, it’s been allowed to get out of control and it daren’t be challenged through fear of not wanting to upset the race or xenophobia balance. Personally, I could care less what you think, I have my own opinion that I stand by both morally and ethically as do you so you stick to yours and I’ll stick to mine.
To some degree yes he is but when it comes to reporting on Muslim paedophile gangs, then I don’t see a problem with that.
What about when he uses a tiny minority to attack an entire religion and to fuel hatred towards innocent people?