Heard couple of rumours if safe standing is passed the new owners would build a second tier on the ponty and turn the lower into safe standing. Good idea imo
I still question the logic behind increasing the ground capacity when we can't fill it even with half the West Stand closed!
I'm not sure why we'd do such a thing any time soon. We've consistently had one of the lowest seated occupancy for as long as I can remember. Creating more empty seats would be a sign of folly.
Nonsensical at best. Even if it were on their to-do list, which I doubt, then make the existing Ponty safe-standing and rebuild the West to offer up modern seating for them who like to park their arse.
Love and care ? Needs a bulldozer mate it’s well past it’s sell by date and I won’t shed a tear when it’s pulled down for good . The club needs to move forward from this kind of insular sentiment otherwise we’ll never ever progress .UTR
Our ground occupancy was far worse when we had standing - think if a club has any ambition it needs to be around 20-25 k
I don’t get all this safe-standing stuff. For me, it’s a step backwards and is costly for any club to implement. The U.K. has the highest standard of stadia anywhere in the world. Across all the main leagues too. This cost millions and is mainly due to the Taylor report. We should be proud of the quality we have. I know there’s nostalgia involved - but for me, seating is the best option still. And unless we’re currently selling out every game, then all we should be doing at Oakwell for the moment, is maintaining the facilities we have to the highest standard - something which has been lacking for a few years. Having said that, do the new owners actually own Oakwell yet????
Exactly.... so stick a second tier on and increase seating capacity with standing on the lower tier and you'll mainly transfer people from seating to standing (seeing as standing costs are likely to be similar to seating because of the cost of installation). So the % emptiness will increase, and you'll have large parts of the rgound empty or closed as we navigate league 1. Ambition can be just ambition, it doesn't have to include folly, waste and decisions made way before they are needed.
Would be the dream to work on this... Enjoyed working on a relatively local new build stand for another club recently that was very well received and recently got planning. Anyone know how they select their Architects?
Be interesting to see a break down of the ages voting for it. In terms of cost I would find it difficult to stomach after paying out so much to seat the ground.
some people must sit about all dsy thinking up crap just to get a rise or to look important within the club .Heard a rumour today that's Bo----x where does this rubbish come from
I never said stick a second tier on just improve West Stand - same capacity just newer and more attractive
We would build a new west stand and have safe standing in there. Even if we put another tier on the Ponte for a safe standing tier, that tier would surely be the new upper tier so we didn't risk annoying fans by shifting people from seats they have sat in years.
According to a survey by the EFL, it's likely to increase attendance. So rather than it just being a cost, it could be an investment that would increase revenue.
How would it do that? We had similar attendances when we were successful back in the 80's and it was far cheaper. Can't see clubs drastically reducing prices
All seater stadia have killed the atmosphere at football grounds. Oakwell is morgue like even when we are doing well. For you seating may be the best option for others it may not be.