5 weeks of secrecy blown out the water by workmen in the ground. Whitey waint be happy with you lads. Hoping for his montage soon though ..
So much for German efficiency, he’s not even dressed appropriately for his unveiling in his new job. Boo, sack him.
Sorry but tinpot as always especially when you have Ferguson, McCarthy, Ainsworth etc all out there but no, we end up with a guy that even Hannover fans barely remember. All this silence from the club and that is the best they can come up with? If he fails GG has to go with him.
Do you mean Darren Ferguson? Really? And McCarthy has repeatedly said he doesn't want the job. Still, don't let logic spoil your opportunity to have a moan.
Is it too much to ask for an experienced coach with a knowledge of lower league football? We’ve gone for an unknown yet again who has managed a grand total of 28 games and I really don’t think this is good enough at all.
Your post lost any meaning at ferguson. Poor manager who got found out when daddy stopped loaning him players