Sigh , no Cameron saying on numerous occasions that when we leave the Eu we would also leave the single market etc, so yes we did know what we were voting for.
So you believed him on that, but didn't believe the economic warnings presented? I guess everyone is entitled to pick and choose what they wish to believe, especially when it suits a predetermined view
He did, but as we have said several times, Farage, Gove, Johnson, etc didn't say that. In fact, they said precisely the opposite many times and branded it Project Fear. I know we are now in a post-truth, fake news world, but we really shouldn't have to guess what politicians actually mean by listening to what their opposite side says.
Incredibly simplistic view. The referendum happened because parliament voted for it. Cameron didn't own it. The version of Brexit that passes will be what parliament allows to go through. And it won't be a hard Brexit. Too much damage would flow to the country and they won't vote for it, no matter what you say on here.
Farage on many occasions after remoaners sayin they didn’t know what they voted said precisely that on question time so stop talkin ballax
Cameron said at the start , it will be you the people who vote for it , not MPs , not parliament, the people, there will be no second referendum and we will leave the single market etc, now go and vote , what’s not to understand
Single market etc? The Tory party still don’t have a position on Brexit so how you knew the terms pre referendum is incredible.
Nigel Farage wasn't part of the official leave campaign as Vote Leave considered him too extreme and toxic a figure to use. Didn't stop him opening his gob with a pint in his hand, but the "success" of the Leave Campaign was to set out nothing as a plan for what Leave would be. Lots of denigration and ironically sowing vast amounts of fear in regard to migration and the rest was attacking the opposition. A very interesting book called All Out War by Tim Shipman, the Times Political Editor goes into elaborate detail from the mouths of horses about the strategies used and why, however laden with holes they actually were.
Everyone knew what they were voting for pre referendum many had different views of why, but Cameron said on numerous occasions we will be leaving the Eu leaving the single market no second chances , look it up its there to see , people knew and still know, the country was told this was the case from the outset and still voted leave
There’s a lot of books out there from both sides putting in they’re 4 peneth, all opinions because nothing has been agreed so it’s all project fear or not as the case maybe
The people setting the policy weren’t the ones leading the campaigns so that could never have been true. As evidenced by the fact there is still no Brexit position and the deadline is almost here. If it wasn’t so serious it would be funny as ****.
They didn’t think they would need a position the fact is they asked the country putting forward a few points ,ie we will leave single market etc , no second referendum, then canvassed it thinking they couldn’t lose, But lose they did, so now they have to sort out a position which at the minute everyone is trying their hardest to **** up
I’d more than give you a call if you ever spoke to me in a condescending manner or resorted to insults face to face.
He was former Editor of the Daily Mail too, so it cant be badged as a left or centrist attack and it covers direct interviews with all parties, key people, advisers, politicians and journalists. It covers in detail, not opinion how the days, weeks and months unfolded. Dominic Cummings who ran the Vote Leave campaign is highly prominent in it and is quite frank, and proud about the depths he stooped to in order to win at any cost. But if you don't want to read it, that's your choice. It never hurts to learn.
You’re right it never hurts to learn , as I’ve said there’s plenty of remoaners up to their necks in lies , you read yours and I’ll read mine and we’ll both not believe either
I’ve sent you 2 messages privately that you haven’t replied to , no need to air your duty laundry in public is little lad
lol, so you don't want to understand a factual account, from members of the leave campaign, and leave politicians of what was actually said officially and behind party walls by an editor that has worked on the right for Mail and Times, because they are "remoaners"?.... ok Bu-bye
But what your saying is ballax , Dominic Cumimings has said Brexit is a train wreck because Teresa may and Hammond are making a dogs arse of it by trying to keep us in The Eu , I agree get someone else in , but not labour, still only his opinion though