So it wasn’t Ainsworth, Hurst, McCann, McCarthy or even Hecky after all then ??!!?? Lol !!! And I said don’t go betting on a British manager because it’s going to be a foreign manager probably from Germany, Italy or Spain. And if you are one of those supporters that doesn’t know why Barnsley hasn’t appointed a good ole British manager then you need to start listening to what the directors said and what Ganaye is saying. ‘Wider International appeal’. So another prediction: The owners to purchase another club in the next year or so in either Germany, Italy or Spain.
Well to say they have already tried but failed to purchase a club in Spain I dunt think Stephen Hawkin told you this did he.
I want to know what prize was up for grabs... I might start playing this point scoring game. Just need rules
This wider international appeal I don’t buy. We have gone with this guy for one reason. He’s cheap. We will have spoken to McCann, Ainsworth and Grayson with the latter probably wanting too much in wages and assurances over transfer kitty I’m not saying that this guy will be a failure but the direction the club has taken since they came is to not go silly with the budget like Aston Villa did for example Daniel will get my full support and I hope his philosophy lives up to the hype but I have a feeling that this board won’t go about things like we’re used to and they definitely won’t stretch themselves financially. I only hope they invest when the time is necessary I also hope this guy is backed when it comes to transfers
IMO - they (directors) have given the manager 2 year contract because they know it’s going to be a task to get things turned around this season. But if he isn’t successful by the 2nd year then he’s gone. 50/50 chance of doing it in his 1st season.
He’s cheap !!! Lol. I’ve heard it all now. He’s got the job because he’s the best man for the job - plus plus plus he spreads the recruitment network of Barnsley into Germany. So we can expect to see quite a few young players from France and now Germany on trial at Barnsley. Exciting times !!!
It's nothing to do with cost. We've got this guy because it's been a struggle to find someone, who will accept not having full control of the playing side within our blueprint.
The best man for the job was more likely to be a Grayson type manager who has been promoted from this division numerous times.... Wether we could afford someone with that type of experience or not I don't know but I do know giving a bloke with 28 games in a different country the job is a huge gamble. His win ratio is good but he hasn't had another job to compare it too.. I'm hoping he can continue with us next season and we are up the top end of the league but I would argue we have as much chance of being in a similar position to last season where it doesn't work.