The pens and fences were there because of the head the ball pond life who could not behave on the terraces.
So fans turning up without tickets is to blame for or because the powers that be couldn’t or didn’t want to stop the money go round it would have caused , but yet they found a way after the tragedy. The pond life should not have been allowed to determine ground safety . The opening of the gates was the factor inside the ground and the police contravened that as has been proved
Correct, there are plenty of Baristers with no love for plod who’ll be more than happy to take the case.
Bollocjs you deliberately did that to provoke a reaction from someone , your a fekin snake and ill never respond to you again
Will be the CPS if it is a criminal case. He'll have plenty of support getting a strong legal defence too. Only critisism is how long it has taken to go to court. Justice would habe been better served for everyone if he had been charged nearer the time. One day we may see justice for Orgreave too, but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not arguing against the decision to charge Duckenfield. I'm saying the problems at football were caused, largely, by the disgraceful behaviour of some fans. Nobody, except a few, had a crystal ball and could see the consequences of what was done to stop hooliganism but something had to be done and no amount of trying to blame the government can absolve those who used the terraces as their personal battle ground from blame.
I get your point, but at all matches supporters go for a few beers before a match. Liverpool's fans at Heysel were disgraceful. I agree with critisisms re the stadium and also the barrier fencing. If there is a case to answer, then Duckenfield should face justice.
I do get what your saying but my argument is that the authorities should have made us safe from these thugs. It’s the authorities who allow events to take place and they should make sure everything is as safe as it can be to allow it . If the event was deemed to say the least precarious and my god they had years of warnings, then it shouldn’t have not been allowed or at the very least questioned the status quo.
I'm not gonna be as charitable with my reply .. but what the fk has what youve said on here got to do with 96 footie fans dying at Hillsboro?! Whatever you write it's right wing Shiite whatever the subject. They were folks fathers mothers sisters kids who died fking headtheball!
True but most fans can have a beer or two without rioting. It was the pricks who wanted nothing more than a fight at football who became a cancer the game had to kill. All clubs had them, all clubs still do, but back in the 70s and 80s it was horrendous. I completely agree 're the charges. If for nothing more than than he oversaw lying and a cover up he must face charges and let the justice system decide his culpability.
You wouldn't understand a reasoned debate if it kicked you in the nuts. If you can't understand what link there is between hooliganism and perimeter fencing then you're even more myopic than your posts suggest. Go back and read what I said. I pointed out that fencing went up because of hooliganism, I never once linked it to Hillsborough. I really don't understand how you could misunderstand my post so badly.
I get your point Marlon but I honestly think that spectator safety was their primary objective. History has shown it to be wrong but at the time I think they were so desperate to get the problem under control that they didn't know what to do for the best.