Agreed. I remember the big debate on this board about the word that tyrone used, and I have to say that I was really surprised that it's apparently still a part of general conversation and seen as acceptable to some people on this board. I'll happily call someone out on it, but it doesn't offend me in particular. However, if you do use words which other people find offensive in a public forum, then it's probably wise to resist calling others out for the same thing. Glass houses and all that.
Putting aside the fact that the term you used is racist in itself why did you feel the need to refer to our owners by their nationality? How was that at all relevant to the point you were making?
99 times out of 100 I would know exactly how to take this but on this occasion I'm not sure so at the risk of regretting asking I am asking if you mean me or Tyrone.
Ok, I've just run the joke past my Irish other half who doesn't take prisoners and is proud of her nationality. On asking her if it's racist she said of course it isn't and anyone who thinks it is is a halfwit. That being said if I were Irish I think I'd have a pretty thin skin about lazy stereotyping but I guess unless someone invents a new butt for jokes about thick people the Irish are stuck with it. We could always try substituting Trump voters for Irish. It might be more accurate.