I know they are probably a minority in Russia, or hopefully, but ye gods, it brings home how a violent set of people can influence society in such a puzzling country. I think the programme is a few years old but it's the first time I've seen it but it reminded me of how the Nazis came to power in Germany, took on the minorities, and wanted to spread their influence over the world. Hats off to the presenter, it took amazing guts to even be seen amongst that lot.
Its frightening to see glimpses of what happened when you visit the former Eastern block countries and the Baltic states in particular. To endure what they did under Russian, German and Russian (again) displays of pure evil, it never fails to send a shiver down your spine that such things have happened to flesh and bone and its not out of the question that such things could well happen again. Scarily recent too.
Sort of like some of the leading politicians, newspapers and TV channels demonizing immigrants, those on benefits, experts, judges, Lords, etc, etc...
EDL, NF, (Thomas Mair was a member of both), Britain First, and those groups that got banned over the last couple of years. Don't forget we've allegedly had several right-wing terror plots foiled too. Are they as bad as the Russian groups? - probably not yet at least in public. Could they be if left unchecked? - unfortunately, yes.
Definitely. Anywhere where there is poverty, despair and hopelessness. Which is sadly virtually every Russian town, and quite a few of the smaller cities. You may have seen a highly distressing article a couple of years back about usage of a home-made heroin substitute called Krokodil. This was reported on in Tver, a decent sized and architecturally beautiful city between Moscow and St Petersburg. You don't have to get far away from the bright lights, fancy restaurants and SUV's to find utter desperation in Russia.
Just the same as someone following the EDL. Don't judge a whole country on its president or minorities.