Yep, correct. I have to admit too that the standard of football and horrendous run we had at Oakwell between Jan 17 and back end of last season made a tough decision that bit easier. Although now we're in league one we hopefully won't have that problem.
really?... just look at the last category... UK supporter do not attend matches etc... the break down of that should have gone further as it did with the other categories. This poll also does not take into account the history of the individual fan either, it smacks of who is the better fan to me, something we do not need.
Season Ticket holder intermittently since age 11 (1968-69). Many times I have lapsed in that period, but notably: 1) When we let Danny Wilson leave first time (just after renewal deadline); 2) When we appointed Keith Hill - signalled a lack of ambition to me; 3) This summer - following one of the most wanton sell-outs in our history since January 2017, and a relegation that in my view was wholly self-inflicted. The new regime will have to re-earn my trust/justify my spend. We'll see how it goes.
Yeah really. Who's being witch hunted? OP asks questions, we all reply as applicable. It's just a harmless post to get to know a bit more about people as far as I can see.
so just for Fitzytyke 2... was taken to Oakwell for the first time in 1960, was smitten totally and have been a fan/supporter ever since. So in 2 years time that will be 60 years of following... for at least 60% of that time a season ticket holder.... restricted attendance while I was in Her Majesties R.A.F. especially during various conflicts I had to attend with them over the years. But I am told many times I am not a reyt fan and have no right to comment on performances because " I was NOT there " despite either listening online or recently viewing on iFollow. I wonder how many on here stood with collection buckets outside Oakwell and various other grounds collecting when we were in administration... I certainly did... but hey I aint a proper fan am I.
I’ve been a season ticket holder since 1996 when I got my first job since then I’ve missed about ten home games, before then from 86/87 I used to pay on day, well my grandad used to pay for me, from 96 to 99 I went to every away game, from 99 to 08 I did 10 to 15 a season, 08 onwards I’ve missed less then ten away games and 2 at home, it’s like a drug to me this football club, and no matter how **** it makes life at times, the trouble it caused with her in doors, the money I spend, and absolute shîte I’ve watched over the years, I don’t think I’ll ever kick the habit.
no not on anything fella, but posts like this make me throw my arms in the air and wonder... 'why' I can see a poll like it on a Man utd site or the other plastics... but Barnsley ..REALLY... this club is one of the better run clubs and better family clubs.. so I for one see no real reason for this kind of poll. Fitzy I apologise to going at you , but the post kinda hit a nerve with me. Let me just say this.... My Dad and his brother took me to Oakwell in the 1959/60 season.... and as I said in an earlier post I was smitten. But to many on here your supporter history counts for nothing.
Season ticket holder. Used to do twenty plus away games. Can't be bothered with away games now so do a maximum of half a dozen a season.
That was my first season (1968/69) when my Late Father wanted to see whether I'd been bitten by the bug, or get bored after a couple of games. He saw that I loved it, so he bought me one for a birthday present for the 169/70 sesson and every year after that until I started work and could pay for it myself. Whenever we lose, I blame my bad mood on him!
How a post like this can foster bad feeling like it has is beyond me. Steve (Lynn Jackson) and me know each other through watching the reds. Steve did the clean sweep last season, and I did it the season before. It takes some doing with work and you hope you won't be unwell or break down en route etc. Thing I'll say though is were not "better fans" and don't think as ourselves as some kind of martyrs when things aren't going well. Neither do we judge others, although I'd like to see a few more down at Oakwell. We go because we enjoy the day out. If I didn't enjoy it, then I wouldn't go. It's as simple as that.
not at all Conan... there are many on here who shoot down posters who have a total right to make observations and criticism... but the very first thing that's rammed down there throat is the fact they were not in attendance... and implications that they are no longer proper fans, and have no real right to make comment. Many people through various life decisions no longer live in the Barnsley area... or for that matter in YORKSHIRE... however they are still very seriously and fiercely proud of their Root... its posts like this that are totally not thought through at all, and are hurtful to the exiles no matter how far we are from home.
I don't think the OP's intention was to be hurtful to anyone. To be honest, it gets my back up when people don't attend (for whatever reason) but try and question the support of people who go to every home game.
I can't see it on my phone. I'm on Tapatalk. This is what I see Even if it is a poll, it's still completely harmless. It doesn't ask "who is the better fan?"
Will disappear altogether one day maybe - shame. I had a short spell at Digby in the early 80s, and six weeks at Swinderby of course.