Whitey was the best, absolutely lived for the forum. Followed by Dr Zazlos. Too many to name as worst, there's too many on here obviously dont have a clue what they're watching on a Saturday
I use to think Whitey was ok until he told me a story about how has a teenager he use to shag sheep and shout “back of the net” when he’d finished, once shared a room with him and he randomly shouted “one hundred and eighteeeee” in his sleep, I just thought he must have been thinking of next doors dog There’s been some cracking posters past and present of here who I can now call friends,
my god talk about memory lane; ghost, Longley tyke, guernsey ( get me off this ******* island) red, sheff tyke, to name just a few old n bold
Windy (real name Don M). I''ve sat and watched this lad over the last few years and it's painful viewing. He must spend 20 hours a day on social media expressing his opinions but allows no discourse with those who disagree with him. He insults people and is obsessed with certain individuals and institutions (which he hounds incessantly). A couple of years ago he used a highly dubious and obviously photo-shopped source in support of one of his many conspiracy theories. I pointed this out to him and further actually located the source which was from a 16 year old racist redneck from Alabama: he blocked me immediately! I have known this lad for 30 odd years and have been out with him socially many times. He is a mild-mannered individual who would not cause any 'ructions' in public. On line however he is a joy to behold, staggering. It must have an enormously negative impact on his life.
Agreed. At its best when TFP was posting his Friday feight night. Westie and his stories of growing up, I know him in the real world and they were true
Did most of the trolls from 606 migrate here when that shut down? I'm sure thereev used to post on there too.
I used to love coming on here many years ago. It was the most amusing place in the Internet by far. Sometimes it spilled over into arguments and unhealthy trolling but in the main, it was one long **** take after another. TFP daily had insane but funny postings and Adam Hinchcliffe and his mad cap ideas. No matter what time of day it was you could guarantee a giggle. The traffic was treble what it is now as well.
We had a bit of a long running series of arguments and it culminated with him trying to get me fired at my place of work.