Listened to the programme tonight and felt quite sorry for their true fans.No matter what you think about Wednesday it’s another nail in the coffin of proper football fans
Yeah he is a tool but he’s a fan who cares about his club ,fans might think it’s funny but it could happen to any of us
I feel sorry for their genuine fans but I don't in any way feel sorry hat a convicted armed robber misses out on listening to the pigs play every week
I think it’s a disgrace that they constantly allow buffoons like Mark the Pitsmoor owl on, yet when eloquent and refined contributors like George Spicer attempt to send texts in, they now block them. Disgraceful. I’m sure George feels the same.
Haven’t really been paying attention to Wednesday other than some posts about the cost of their home shirt. Whats happened?
Radio Sheffield no longer covering their games for commentary. Club refused new terms offered (reduction of 10%) on previous contract Apparently only club out of 62 which were up for renewal who refused to deal at the reduced rate All bbc stations offered same deal across the country and other 61 clubs accepted new terms!
I understand George is formally instructing his family solicitors to draft a stern letter before action.
I don’t care about Wednesday or their delusional fans. If the club doesn’t realise that even with a 10% reduction, it is still a revenue stream that they are desperate for at the moment then they are stupid. It may even help to put some balance to their books. If they think that more people will subscribe, I guess they’re right. But not as many to cover the radio money. What chansiri has done to the club is laughable, but the supporters are as bad in thinking that they are so massive that they are above the terms set out by the football league. Next they’ll be buying players from local teams that are nearing the end of their contract, offering them silly money, then not playing them... oh. I hope they get points deducted...
Sadly it won't stop the daily love-in on Football Heaven nor will it stop Mork the Dork phoning in everyday.