Do I already have to have a monthly subscription to pay for the game tonight? Also can you log on on a second device to watch the game so we’re not cramped around one iPad?
You just buy a match pass for a fiver if you only want to watch one game. Unfortunately you can't login on two devices - you are able to cast the ipad onto a smart TV though if you're technically minded. Other thing to note, you can only watch the games if you're not in the UK. There are ways around that of course, but an iPad isn't the best device for doing it.
You can now watch away games in the UK as of this season. BBC quoted as saying match pass is 10 not 5 though.
Wow, that's awesome. I'll stop pissing about with the VPN in that case! I bought the season pass last week for £110, it quoted £5 for a match pass when I did it.
Yes, the new TV deal means a game not on Sky and not on core Saturday hours can be streamed by clubs participating to UK residents. So you can buy a match by match basis and watch midweek games now. Rochdale the first one tonight. Noted Sky have all tonights champs games on the red button. Typical we get relegated!!!
Do you still need to purchase per game even though I paid for the year subscription of ifollow? Thanks
Help please! I`ve just subscribed to ifollow today. Is the next step to download an app and if so can I do this on my iphone and ipad? Then will I be able to simply buy midweek matches and access accordingly? TIA
Sounds like it's a tenner in the UK and a fiver out of the UK. Probably to not encourage to many to miss the games.
The easiest way that I can see is to go to then log in, tap on ifollow, scroll down to match pass and the purchase button is there. You can only view on one connection though ie either iPad or iphone
I don’t see option to buy match pass on my phone with my uk subscription. May have to quickly go to USA and pay $7 for it
Andy. Can you still do that, because I've tried on numerous occasions with both free and paid VPN and doesn't give me the option
On my laptop yes. App won't open on phone if using a vpn. Was hoping to just watch it as a uk subscriber tonight though with out loss of quality due to vpn, not checked to see if I can buy match pass on laptop yet with uk account
That's what I've been using, last season I could get on just with my normal subscription and vpn set to USA. This season seems to be more troublesome, will have a bash tonight as a UK subscriber. Being the tight get that I a was trying to save a couple of quid