Let's just hope for another good win tomorrow and then no one can have anything to complain about. Can they?
Another clean sheet and three or four goals and I'll happily complain that this season is becoming boring and predictable. Fingers crossed, eh?
But it's still a profit on a player who doesn't want to be here. Compared to the pittance we received for Winnall who is three times the player, this looks like a decent deal to me.
Weird thread. I am excited by him as a prospect but he’s definitely not an adequate replacement for Bradshaw considering the disrespectful way you people talked about him as a “1 in 4 tap in merchant” this guys record last season is 1 in 7. Again I hope he fits in and becomes a great player for us but on the face of it this is not a replacement in our favour.
Let's state facts Bradshaw wanted to move Bradshaw family commitments were important to him and his family do not live nearby Millwall look to be stable in the championship Millwall made numerous bids Bradshaw was in his last year of his contract We received a decent bid Bradshaw has not scored regularly for us in a while Bradshaw pressed well but didn't create much or look dangerous The board had targets lined up in case this happened We have signed a bigger, stronger, quicker younger striker Woodrow is highly regarded Victor A has scored more goals than Bradshaw this season and also has potential to do well. I am excited about this change and think we will be better for it.
Everyone has opinions and even if we dont agree, statement premature or proved to be true that comment at that snapshot in time seems to always be a point scored or lost. Football is always about players moving on and once the GF and her pregnancy got closer then Bradders would need to do something. If not now then January or Summer. Even the revolving door from this forum has moved on! We can only hope and trust the club with managing the existing players, team and bringing in new as that constant transition goes on. We aren't sure if ANY recruitment will work out. However we seem to be signing young and ambitious players who aren't the finished article and putting faith in the coaching staff to make them better and fit our style and gameplan. The recent 3 young lads we have signed seem to fit this model but if statistically 50% is the recruitment success rate then there is a chance one of the 3 won't work out. I liked Bradders and wouldn't want him to go, but his GPP ratio at about 1 in 6 for us hasn't been brilliant and now we move on and see if we can continue this run.
Wages? Agents fees? Potentially having to pay up his wages to the end of his contract ( if he didn’t demand a move in writing) not fussed he’s gone especially but ‘profit’ Is probably pushing it
Don't agree with the argument of trying to offset a player's wages against their transfer fee. The transfer fee we received is double or more the fee we paid. People were banging on last week that we made a profit on Kayden Jackson. I'm not accepting we haven't made a profit here.
He doesn’t start for them, so that will have an effect upon his goal to game ratio. Although we could be suspect as to why he doesn’t start... hopefully it’s just not fitting in with their managers game plan. I think he’ll do well as he fits our ethos of young ambitious players. I look forward to seeing him play.
I’ll eat humble pie, we may not be promoted by March as I stated. With other teams getting maximum points we may have to wait until the 2nd week in April.
It’s not the fire sale scenario to recoup money like what happened in 01/17. It’s one player wanting to move down south. That’s all. My only problem with the process was that GeeGee didn’t keep the fans updated as often as I think he should have. Other than that - I feel we are probably now in a stronger position.
Go on then, I’ll accept to over reacting. I had a strop about Bradshaw going, having become disillusioned with years of Cryne’s firesales and short termism. But I’ll accept that this new board deserve more credit and confidence in the way they operate so far given how quickly they’ve responded and lined up what appears to be a genuine replacement. Will that do?
Yer not the only one. I’m constantly reading posts on here as though nothing has changed at the club. Posts saying things like the new owners are cashing in to raise money. It’s laughable. We had an owner worth £60 million. We now have owners worth £15 BILLION. And yet a large percentage of our fans don’t seem to be able get their heads around that. And please don’t say the wealth of the club has nothing to do with the wealth of the club. I’ll answer that before it’s said - is there a top Premiership owner that is POOR i.e. is worth less than £100 million !?!?!