Side of ground. Berkeley can be rough as arseholes. If you're after somewhere further away the Royal on Doncaster Road is alright
Took mine there last time. We are giving it a swerve today and going to the one at the side. It was fine last time a bit rough but nowt too bad but we fancy somewhere a bit more chilled this time.
We are taking the kids to their first ever league away match. Want to make it enjoyable for them so was wondering also what best pub for them would be.
Stick to the hungry horse. Berkeley is likely to fill with the sort of scunny fans who’d not want away fans around. They’re not the worst in the world but no need to poke with a stick. Likely to be ok but I wouldn’t go with kids. Mrs is from scunny originally, in laws and other family there. Not a proper scunny fan among them incidentally. Her grandad watches for their results but is a manure fan, her step dad a st holder at weeds.
Go to 7 Lakes Country Park it's 15 mins down road from ground it's got a lovely bar over looking lakes and welcomes guests. It's not just for residents. I've got a caravan there an would be perfect for the kids