I've got a curly wig with a hint of grey, so it's a good match for my own hair. From a distance it's not obvious it's a wig, but it's good fun as I can sense people looking at me and talking about it.
Years ago one of the regulars in the mount got hold of a wig from a burtons mannequin, it was made from fibreglass and was like wearing a crash helmet. Everyone in the pub had a try on and did a crap elvis impersonation.
Loads of people from all over Europe have tried my wig on. I've got an album on Farcebook called "Wig on Tour" with 360 photos in it. It's the most fun I've ever had in my life.
I once drew pubes on with biro, to save embarrassment in the school showers (and, no, I wasn't the teacher!!!) if that counts. Then, a year or two later, the real ones came and I had more than I knew what to do with. So now I shave them off and make novelty wigs for hamsters with them. Business is booming. Sold nearly two so far this year.
Definitely the Daffyd Thomas (only gay in the village) wig and associated lycra outfit on my stag do in Budapest. My svelt figure pulled it off particularly well (according to the “dwarf” who spent the evening handcuffed to me anyway.)
I made my own Michael Jackson thriller wig from duct tape and the inside of cassette tapes That up there
Once went to a fancy dress as Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Dyed some pyjamas yellow and put black tape down the arms and legs. Fabulous blonde wig cut short at the front (didn’t have a shave or People wouldn’t have known it wasn’t her!) The barman at the venue guessed who I was straight away ......Jimmy Saville!