I'm really not one to bring the club down at all..... But.... I know it's not the club it's self so I'll go for it.... I was in Q with 40 mins gone and all beer pumps apart from Worthingtons and Carling Cider we're gone. No larger at all only warm bottles of Carling.... Also a bloke brought a pie back with no meyt in .. What's going on?? How can a business make money without products to sell... I know it's £4 a pint but with the size of the cues surly selling more pints at £4 would make more money than not selling any lol... It's not rocket science
East Stand Upper - huge queues but service so slow, takes more than 15 minutes to get served. Bad for supporters, bad for club.
Don't do drink trays anymore either. Bugger when you've only two hands but want to carry more than two warm drinks.
Yeah forgot to add that bit... Only one serving too.... I don't normally have a drink at half time and I won't be in future
I used to religiously have a balti pie at Oakwell. That tradition expired about 3 seasons ago because the Ponty End catering is horrendous
I only occasionally get a drink before the match and never at half time. In the Ponty you can join a queue bang on half time and still be in it as the players come out for the second period. No time to have a beer and not enough time to really have anything without scoffing it down in seconds. I'm not sure if the people serving are just too slow or whether it's a lack of numbers, possibly both. The lack of efficiency is staggering at times, although I'm hesitant to blame the young lads and lasses themselves, it seems more of a training/organisational thing. The lack of availability seems to affect lots of clubs. Almost everything was sold out at Bradford soon after kick off in the stand behind the goal.
At most away games they have pints lined up on bar ready for half time n just hand em over. But again they didn't even have em in pumps.... I was in Q at 40 mins gone had a pint of Carling Dark Fruit cos that's all they had n got back to mi seat 1 min after second half kicked off.... Hopeless!!! It's not the lads n lasses that are serving they go as fast as they can it's fact they've not enough products an not enough staff Does anyone know how long the contract is for the catering provided now??
They should be pulling pints and lining them up 10 minutes before half time then one on till and another handing drinks out as people order..... A bottle bar would be far more efficient also as it would take less time than pulling pints whilst people queue up which seems to be the system at the moment. I have a pint before the game but wouldn't even attempt to get one at half time..
Irrespective of how good or bad the service is the obvious question springs to mind. This is not aimed at anyone in particular- just a general query. Can you really not last a couple of hours without a pint? I know some like a couple before and/or after the match, but really - half time queue, poor service, poor product. Why bother?
Drinks & food in East Stand Lower is very poor. No peas at kick off this week. Have given up trying to get a pint. The words p!ss up in an ex Brewery Stand come to mind.
The club were advertising for staff through the summer. I’m guessing the thought of being heckled and shouted at for 30-40 mins, isn’t that appealing on minimum wages.
Could we not use these instances as a stick to beat the catering company and tear the company’s contract up. Organised properly and efficiently, the club could make an absolute fortune for themselves on ale alone
Not the case of lasting a few hours.. Every one can obviously last a few hours but the point is being in a Q for 15-20 mins for anything regardless of what it is then getting to the front to find the products you want to buy are not available is not very good!! Do u not agree????
Agreed. I fundamentally don’t understand the concept of pubs. Can people not get through a Friday or Saturday night without a drink? While we’re at it - why do the club bother with playing football? Has the art of conversation died so much that you can’t get through a Saturday afternoon having a nice conversation with the wife without having a load of men kick a bag of wind about to distract you? I just don’t get it.
Yes of course but the match is too short to risk missing any of it. I like to watch every minute of on field activity, not scramble around in a crowd under the stand
Imagine if Oakwell had Wifi to order in advance or you could order from a specific time such as midday onwards on a matchday. So you can wake up on the morning of a match, go to a special app, say what order you want and what time you wish to pick it up, pay for it and not have to worry. So if at half ten on a matchday you want to order a pint of lager for 2:20 and a pie for 3:45 you can do so through a app, pay for it and for that time turn up at catering and it's ready to pick up in seconds no queue.