A long time ago , clubs had food sellers walking around the touchline with a tray hung around their neck like a cinema usherette , happy days
It will be interesting to see what they do. They've shown imagination in other ways so far, very simply and subtly, but a definite shift from "easy life" outsourcing. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they completely overhauled the food and drink side, and if you're going to have better control, you can't simply sign a 3-4 year contract with the likes of company we have delivering awful quality and awful service. Several smaller suppliers would be my expectation, but who knows what they'll do when the contract lapses. Anyone know how long it has left? I recall gally a while back saying the caterers had been brought in and told to buck their ideas up. It's clear now sadly that it never happened. And I recall a long deal for the current grim alcoholic choices not long before Mansford left, when his successor was still commercial director.
It's not just the service it's the lack of products. They run out of all beers on pumps apart from Carling Cider, B4 half time