Could there be an option for the club to sell it as a download via iFollow? I guess there are a load of copyright issues as to why this would not be possible but would be a great option for fans as an alternative to purchasing a hard-copy DVD.
I crowdfunded mate, £20 will that be enough for me to get a dvd, if more is needed just let me know mate.
thankyou.sir. I am really looking forward to it. Have ordered a giant sized box of I am sure I will get grit in my eyes
Hmmm - tried to order but no delivery to Ireland ?? Help anyone ? Or wait for download option, presumably that won't be restricted jurisdiction ?
Might sound silly but have you been approached by anyone like Netflix or sky about making it available on their platforms yet mate?
Went last night & cant praise it enough! Absolutely brilliant! Liam Dyson, you’ve made an old man (well, 64) & family very happy! We’ve preordered the dvd & will watch again immediately- anyone who isn’t sure, let me tell you will regret not buying it!
Just watched it this afternoon. Think I held my breath throughout - spellbinding stuff! Thank you Liam - you'll get my coin for a full-strength copy.