It really is a shame that there is so much wasted talent in the lad. I hope he can get himself sorted and work his way back up the league structure to where such talent belongs.
He was quality when fit. When he first joined i was only a season ticket holder 2 maybe 3 years prior but in that time he was probably the best player (in terms of being able to beat a man, pace, and creating chances)i'd seen so far. I hope whatever was causing him issues off the pitch and outside of football are all cleared up now. Always had the ability. Maybe this is what he needs after 2+ years out of the game.
I have spoken to him a few times he’s still thinks very fondly of his time at Barnsley, unfortunately most of his time is spent with his kids one who has had leukaemia for the past eighteen months and to be honest think this has put life and football in perspective, I agree though real talent on his day hope he works up through the leagues but more importantly his daughter continues her recovery.
Footballs secondary when things like this happen .hope she makes a full,quick and speedy recovery. all the best to all the family
Incredible to think that in Paddy McCourt and Dale Jennings we had possibly the two most skilful and maverick players in the football league. Two years prior it would have been unthinkable to have them both. Yet for various reasons neither worked out for us. I'll always have loads of time for players of that ilk, there's so few of them around nowadays in a football world that is all about tactics and the team collective. Good luck to the lad.
I hope he pulls it round. From what I’ve heard, he hasn’t been helped by the people surrounding him. Then the issues with the little ‘un.
How many of us are not a wasted talent? How many of us are living and working to our full potential? How many of us have really achieved what we were capable? We just do it out of the public eye, and numb the nagging voice in the back of our heads with alcohol.
Bang on. I heard an interview with Joey Barton a while back & he said that someone had tried insulting him by calling him ‘an average premier league player’ & he couldn’t believe it. His view was that to be an ‘average premier league player’ is incredible when you consider how many people play football & how few make it at that level & he’s right. His dream was to be a professional footballer playing in the premier league & he’s achieved it, how many of us can say that? I think we all see the fancy cars & holidays & hear about the huge wages & forget just how talented & dedicated you’ve got to be to make it.