WHEN YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF RHYTHM - NONE -KNOWT - ZERO. Cum to think of it no sense on polotics either.
Politically.... (in terms of internal and party politics, not policy and national)… she's certainly a survivor and has insanely thick skin. She somehow held onto home secretary for years despite multiple **** ups and then picking a fight with the police, and despite her inept performances in calling an election, losing a majority, party disunity, the carnage that is Brexit and constant suggestions of leadership challenge.... she's somehow still there.
She did seem in a party mood on arrival . And then when she announced austerity is over it made sense why she appeared so happy . Yep , the Tories have rescued the country so loosen your belts a little , pop down to Aldi and pick up a four pack .
It's a poisoned chalice at the moment. As soon as the leadership job becomes attractive again, she won't last five minutes.