Let's say I'm a fitness instructor. I apply for a job in a women's only gym and they reject me because I am not a woman. Do I have any legal recourse?
The discussion is around whether there is a career that men are legally not permitted to do. The law does not state that men cannot be fitness instructors no matter how fit or good at instructing they may be. Can you think of a career that men are forbidden by law from entering?
I can think of plenty where it wouldn't be allowed and you wouldn't be able to challenge it. Not illegal as such but it would be legally tolerated sexism. There are also other jobs when men struggle for acceptance for example midwifery. Just out of interest what percentage of primary school teachers are male - in your experience?
I respect women. The weaker, inferior women. I respect them enough to try not to rape them most of the time but to be honest it's their fault if occasionally I slip up and get a bit rapey. Ooookay...
Treating women as equal. Berserk. Absolutely bonkers. It's just pc gone mad. They should be somewhere nice and safe like the kitchen
I and others have not suggested that at all during this thread. Yer forming your own argument. That is to say - tha talking to thi sen. Again.
I take it you'll be leaving the country then? Given that you're being protected by both men and women and have been for a long time. Not sure where you'll go, mind. The entire civilized world has moved past your archaic beliefs.