Are you serious? I thought your original post was a joke. How much do you think a skiing holiday costs?
wow so in your world Anyone with a decent newish car = tory Anyone who holidays abroad = tory Anyone with their own house = tory Anyone who can afford to get married = tory Anyone who smokes = tory fortunately you are wrong As for skiing holidays - its a matter of priorities I prefer a ski holiday to an expensive summer holiday
Newish car - yes. Holidays abroad - depends where you holiday. Own house - depends how many bedrooms/what area Married - Depends on the kind of wedding you have Smokes - Only if you smoke cigars.
Bulgaria is about the cheapest place to go for a week's skiing. A typical budget for a week in February 2019 would be: - Holiday price, bed and breakfast, including return flight from Manchester, about £350 Lift pass, ski and boot hire etc., about £150 Lunches on the mountain during the day, about £50 Evening meals, about £100 Tory party subscription £25 Beer, about £8000 So all in it would only cost £8675 per person for a great week's holiday. Of course, you could reduce that price further by cutting back on food consumption.
Me and my 2 sisters went skiing with school in the late 70s and early 80s: great memories. Indeed i think most schools from our terribly impoverished town took kids skiing during this period. Lots of my mates have discovered snow-boarding too over the last few years (many in their 50s and all hard- working lads frum tarn). I prefer 2 ski's as i'm not trendy enough for a board but Tory it aint.
I remember Wombwell High organising ski trips in the '70s though I never went on one - I dont think there were too many Tory voters who sent their kids there, wonder if they still do that.
I went on 2 school trips in the 70s, at age 13 and again at 16. Once to Switzerland and once to Austria. It was the most fun you could have without taking your clothes off. Well, it was when I was 16.......
Not that I begrudge anyone who can afford a skiing holiday, and I'm not suggesting anyone should feel guilty who can, nor would I call them a Tory, but I work full time and I couldn't. I can afford to go to work. As in I earn enough money to pay rent and bills and insure and tax and buy fuel for a 20 year old car that gets me to and from work. If I eat beans and rice all week I can afford a few beers on a weekend and a pack of knock off bacca. And I earn more than minimum wage and haven't got any kids.
I've just been speaking to a friend who's booked a holiday in Bulgaria in February. It's £787 all in (except beer). It's not cheap, I realise that, and a holiday in the Alps would be a lot more. It's just nowt to do with politics, that's all. I think it's comparable to a summer holiday, if you're selective where you go. I do take your point though, there's a far bigger picture than messing about in some snow.
I've been skiing. I went with school. I was fortunate enough that my parents could afford it. It's brilliant. And if you can afford it that's great. I don't want to bring everyone down to the same level. I want to boost everyone up. And I think you should talk about it on here, and I don't necessarily think there's a bigger picture. Life should be about enjoying yourself, hopefully filled with love and not hurting anyone else. I was just replying to the point that it is quite expensive, particularly for those of us who didn't have an established career before 2008 or lost their jobs because of that.
Hmm. Interesting. Presumably that’s why they built Xscape in the well-known Tory heartland that is Castleford. Oh, by the way, I’m a lad from a Barnsley Council estate.
Just booked an all inclusive ski holiday with Club Med at Val Thorens in January (just missing Wimbledon away). Not had a summer holiday abroad for 4 years and skied on and off for 25 years. Can take or leave hot weather holidays but the skiing holiday is the highlight of the year. Brilliant sport and the holiday is so much fun I need a week off work to recover. Paid £1600 for that but half that in Bulgaria four years ago.
Congratulations. You’ve just joined the BBS ski team - see above. On the slippery slope. And on the piste.
This has to be the most inaccurate generalisation in the history of the BBS and that particular bar is set extremely high. Surely you wrote this with your tongue firmly in your cheek?
You seen how much it is at xscape though? Proper expensive. Its obviously just me but I don't get how people afford these things in life, it really makes my piss itch. I've worked every week since leaving school (13 years ago) And I've never really had a pot to piss in. I don't begrudge anyone who has worked hard and have many luxuries in life, I just wish that the cost of living was lower so that maybe us lot on the lower end of the spectrum may be able to enjoy life more than it being a constant struggle. For that I can only blame the tories.
Agree with all that, something has gone horribly wrong when decent hard-working people cannot afford anything beyond just existing. I've no idea who's fault it is though, but it will have to change soon as the gap is getting wider. Agree about XScape too. It's about £200 for a day long lesson IN A GROUP! Bugger me! You can get a personal private instructor for just over half that in Austria. They're proper having a laugh at Castleford, does anybody actually pay these prices?
Apologies for hi-jacking your post to rant about living costs and things Stahlrost. I never meant to offend anyone. I just see sports like skiing and golf as for the wealthy.
It's not a problem, your point about living costs is totally valid, no need to apologise. I can't accept the argument that if something is expensive it must be Tory though, that's plainly just daft! Anyway, I thought of you this morning. On impulse, I bought a nice fresh loaf of bread with some olives in it. For some reason I thought "I bet Spuggy thinks that people who buy olive bread are Tory"