So criminal investigations beginning into the leave donor, that's a level playing field? Football is completely insignificant compared to Brexit.
I (as a lot of folk did I imagine) had every idea how complex it was.....which is exactly why I voted to remain - ie to avoid economic uncertainty. It will screw a generation I think
Is that saying that the intelligent people knew it was complex and therefore voted in, yet the masses without a proper idea of what it was all about voted out? Cos that's wrong.
No, that’s a conclusion you’ve drawn. It doesn’t even imply that mate, that really isn’t my style. There’s loads of intelligent people who voted brexit
Can't say i'm one of em. I just thought Brexit meant being out of everything European, and us on our own starting from scratch with them. And I assumed that was what we all thought at the time.
Yes 2BRN2B, I think I started by saying "we just have to accept....!". Doesn't stop me thinking it's a very, very dumb idea though! Anyway, what about the prospects of Copain De Classe at Wetherby tomorrow?
That's a wonderful name for a horse! Pre or post Brexit. I beg that the free flow of these magnificent animals in pursuit of their optimum speed remain unbridled, be they French Irish or British. p.s. will it win?
Who exactly are the boneheads , are they they politicians , are they the remainers or are they the levers ?
Brother in law owns a company in America. He wants to set up a company in europe to import and adapt parts from the US and sell in europe. The company could be set up anywhere in europe. The first thing he said was....of course not in the UK. Unsurprisingly. Why would he even consider the hassle and added costs? The company will be set up in ireland.
This sums it all up pretty well..... LEAVER: I want an omelette. REMAINER: Right. It’s just we haven’t got any eggs. LEAVER: Yes, we have. There they are. [HE POINTS AT A CAKE] REMAINER: They’re in the cake. LEAVER: Yes, get them out of the cake, please. REMAINER: But we voted in 1974 to put them into a cake. LEAVER: Yes, but that cake has got icing on it. Nobody said there was going to be icing on it. REMAINER: Icing is good. LEAVER: And there are raisins in it. I don’t like raisins. Nobody mentioned raisins. I demand another vote. DAVID CAMERON ENTERS. DAVID CAMERON: OK. DAVID CAMERON SCARPERS. LEAVER: Right, where’s my omelette? REMAINER: I told you, the eggs are in the cake. LEAVER: Well, get them out. EU: It’s our cake. JEREMY CORBYN: Yes, get them out now. REMAINER: I have absolutely no idea how to get them out. Don’t you know how to get them out? LEAVER: Yes! You just get them out and then you make an omelette. REMAINER: But how?! Didn’t you give this any thought? LEAVER: Saboteur! You’re talking eggs down. We could make omelettes before the eggs went into the cake, so there’s no reason why we can’t make them now. THERESA MAY: It’s OK, I can do it. REMAINER: How? THERESA MAY: There was a vote to remove the eggs from the cake, and so the eggs will be removed from the cake. REMAINER: Yeah, but… LEAVER: Hang on, if we take the eggs out of the cake, does that mean we don’t have any cake? I didn’t say I didn’t want the cake, just the bits I don’t like. EU: It’s our cake. REMAINER: But you can’t take the eggs out of the cake and then still have a cake. LEAVER: You can. I saw the latest Bake Off and you can definitely make cakes without eggs in them. It’s just that they’re horrible. REMAINER: Fine. Take the eggs out. See what happens. LEAVER: It’s not my responsibility to take the eggs out. Get on with it. REMAINER: Why should I have to come up with some long-winded incredibly difficult chemical process to extract eggs that have bonded at the molecular level to the cake, while somehow still having the cake? LEAVER: You lost, get over it. THERESA MAY: By the way, I’ve started the clock on this. REMAINER: So I assume you have a plan? THERESA MAY: Actually, back in a bit. Just having another election. REMAINER: Jeremy, are you going to sort this out? JEREMY CORBYN: Yes. No. Maybe. EU: It’s our cake. LEAVER: Where’s my omelette? I voted for an omelette. REMAINER: This is ridiculous. This is never going to work. We should have another vote, or at least stop what we’re doing until we know how to get the eggs out of the cake while keeping the bits of the cake that we all like. LEAVER/MAY/CORBYN: WE HAD A VOTE. STOP SABOTAGING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. EGGSIT MEANS EGGSIT. REMAINER: Fine, I’m moving to France. The cakes are nicer there. LEAVER: You can’t. We’ve taken your freedom of movement.
The City won't accept it. Takes them from a dominant position to one of parity with their European counterparts. Square Mile no longer calling the shots? Nope...
Theron lies the problem with Brexit, you’re Brother in law doesn’t know it he will incur extra costs, no one does, what he’s done is like everyone else has listened to the ‘experts’ predictions of what could happen in the press.