Those who voted leave stand by it but cant give any realistic reason but resort to Brexit means brexit, you lost get over it, its undemocratic to have a second referendum etc are the ones that really annoy me - unfortunately quite a few of those are in government. People who now the picture is clearer have changed their mind dont annoy me as much
Those who voted leave because they assumed leaving the EU would mean an end to immigration full stop. As in, no more Muslims entering the UK. It took a great lack of intelligence to come to that conclusion, but then, when you are a democratic nation as we are, you open it up for the thick.
Sanctimonious voters do my nut in more than anyone who voted leave or remain for reasons that were important to them.
I’ll start. Reason I voted Brexit. 1) Immigration How can a government PLAN for schools, roads, police, health service, prisons etc etc with an open door immigration policy ??? The more we tax and spend on our infrastructure with an open door policy the more the country becomes attractive to migrants - in effect we are running to stand still. Currently no matter how much we tax and spent our quality of life does NOT improve. So we need a CONTROLLED immigration policy so we can adapt immigration to the needs of the country. This DOES NOT mean that immigration will be reduced - but it does mean that immigration will meet the needs of the country - and importantly we will know for security reasons who is in the country. 2) EU Common Agricultural Policy Farmers in this country receive on average £35,000 per year in tax payers handouts. For doing nothing. They use this money to squeeze every last penny out of the countryside. And in doing so they have destroyed our countryside and environment. If you are not a farmer - why arnt you getting a. cheque for £35k per year from the EU ? 3) UK payments to the EU Britain currently pays £10 BILLION per year to the EU. Of that the UK gets £5 Billion back. But the EU determines where that money is spent - £3 to 4 billion is paid in handouts to individual farmers and another £1 billion is spent on universities etc. If we stay in the EU the annual payments to the EU will increase to about £18 BILLION per year. In my view - tax payers money raised in Britain should be spent where our government wants it to be spent. 4) Fixed farm prices Our food prices are fixed by the EU to protect farmers especially French farmers - food is cheaper if we buy it from the world market eg Australian wheat. 5) Taxes We are unable to regulate VAT on some goods because they are fixed by the EU. There’s more eg international trade and extremely high unemployment rates within the EU - but I don’t want this thread to go on too long. As yer might know - I hate threads that drag on.
It's too late and I can't really be arssed to go into it, but with my family in the farming industry I call BS on your second point. And in fact, most of your points relate to farming. Plus the immigration nonsense. This country would be knackered without it. I agree it should be controlled, perhaps by us sending the feckless, dole-hungry wallies elsewhere and swapping them for hard-working immigrants.
Those vho woted stay and don’t accept a democratic wote to leave. Get a grip and accept you lost m8 yeh.
To be fair, the EU open immigration policy has meant that British citizens with Non-EU spouses have been massively and unfairly discriminated against to the point that I can't realistically come back and live in the UK until the current policy is changed. However, I have little faith that it will be made any fairer after Brexit. It'll just get even more harsh and arbitrary for everyone with the current shower in charge.
As a person who works in an industry that employs a lot of immigrants, I can say a lot of the immigrants I come across are good decent hard working people, the problem with as I see it there are two issues with it, it does need controlling, secondly a lot of people are swayed by all the negative news stories ran about them. like free houses, benefits, crime etc. All fair points but guess what us Brits have a fair share of this too. Just to put you straight on your first post. But I’m sure you and many others checked the actual facts first.
If we get 5 billion and 4 billion of that is to farmers and another 1 billion to universities then how come I see European funding on other things when there is 0. 0000 left?
Those who see a vote that was as close as 51.9% to 48.1% as a mandate from the people. Near enough a split right down the middle.
The reason I voted Remain. 1- Nigel Farage 2 - Boris F*****G Johnson 3 - Paul Sykes 4 - I am European as well as British. 5 - I Love France,Italy, Spain.
Contrary to popular belief there were people who voted to leave who also checked facts before they voted. is funded by some rich and prominent remainers so may not be as independent as it claims to be with its facts on Brexit.
They are right about the positive veconomic impact of immigration. But and it’s a big but. It is only positive if the U.K. govt uses that extra money that is generated to invest in services. Unfortunately both the last Labour Govt and the post 2010 Tory ones have failed to do so. They have in fact done the opposite.
And anything they have spent has been focused on the South. Only the European funding has helped to stem the divide which will only get worse with London centric officials in charge
Brexit is easy. A narrow vote. You negotiate Norway ++ with no red lines. You tighten immigration controls within the SM you are now part of. You go back to the public and hold a 2nd Ref and say we have negotiated this. Do you want to go with that or remain. Instead the tories like tories do have ****** it up.