Is it not the current obsession with creating and burning effigies? A sick attempt and can’t believe a group of adults thought this would be funny. For past few years, the media have shown the parading and burning of an effigy in Lewes, Sussex. This year was Boris Johnson. Last year was Kim Jong-Un. Although not in the same league as Grenfil, it’s still pretty distasteful to be burning effigies of people. Especially of the living. Always thought bonfire night was about Guy Fawkes and his failed attempt to blow to parliament. Then there was this big kerfuffle with Trump balloon. It’s about time it all stopped.
Goid f***ing grief. You should have thrown a w replaced with a v somewhere in that comment to make it 100% stupid.
I work with a lot of Muslims. Amongst many races and creeds as well. I’ve not seen or heard of any of them burning a poppy or bible. I have seen quite a few of them wearing a poppy this last week though. I’m pretty certain that will be replicated around the country too. Do the media report on that?
It’s probably just members of staff or supporters from the FA community club of the year Millwall having a laugh. Be all brushed under the carpet. The scamps from Bermondsey.
I have often commented on the explosion of PC culture damaging the country by stifling business and politics through fear of upsetting some group or other. THIS is different! Like the OP said "what goes through some people's heads?" I am very uneasy about criminalising 'bad taste' edgy controversial jokes and verbal comments as the erosion of free speech is a concern but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Dubious taste humour has always been around e.g. post 'Challenger Space shuttle disaster', 'Herald of Free Enterprise' ferry disaster jokes, but often it was society collectively coping with a national tragedy i.e. 'Gallows humour'. The latter incident had a couple of ' jokes' doing the rounds that nowadays would have been considered to have 'crossed the line' like this latest one as they could have caused distress to victim relatives and those directly involved. I think it is a coping mechanism for some when confronted with tragedy as they usually appear within minutes/hours of the event, when , if some time had elapsed, people may have re-considered and not made the 'joke' . This, was different and had, racist undertones and caused distress to the victims families, survivors and anyone affected by tragedy. In no way could it be remotely dismissed as the aforementioned, 'coping mechanism' For me, this definitely crossed the line into criminality.
My thoughts. India as part of the British Empire sent men to fight in the world wars as did all commonwealth countries and will have dead to remember. The poppy applies to them also. I don’t know if they have any remembrance parades or ceremonies in their own countries which may be due to a lack of media coverage. Our media does however cover the London Cenotaph parade and commonwealth forces attend. It does tend to be a christian led service though which may be why they don’t attend.
My thoughts entirely. There is a line somewhere & on this occasion it has been crossed. I'm largely not one for censorship, but only a year on from such a terrible tragedy, this is sick & could have added distress to many involved. Heavy fine for all involved & a public apology should be the answer.
Bad enough that 1 person could think of doing it, but for all the whole group of people to stand about laughing at it and encourage it. Don’t heat anyone in back ground saying this ain’t reight. Can’t believe anyone would go to so much trouble as to make a model tower, in so much detail too
During WWII, about 3 million Indians died of starvation in Bengal and one of the main contributing factors was the colonial rule which was focused on the war effort.
Have you seen the video , the cardboard tower isn’t just a couple of boxes with Grendel written on ,it’s got brown cut out people dangling from drawn on windows , that look as if they’ve been made by a child . It comes across as as something a bit more than just extreme bad taste. Probably get cautioned but I think one of the ‘adults’ should be made to publicly explain what they were doing and why they thought it so funny that they shared it After being unmasked I suggest for their own safety that they go into hiding. Plenty won't care what happens to them and will look for revenge after something so sick.
Which makes them as bad if not worse than the perpetrators IMO. Let the law deal with it and stop the lynch mob mentality. I assume you do not approve of members of the public taking revenge?
How the is this news? People act like arses trying to be funny to their mates. No crimes just bad taste. If everything ever said or done in bad taste got recorded and played on the news everyone on this board & probably in this country would be headline news. It's mental.
I think most people on this thread disagree with you on this. Once you upload something highly offensive publicly to social media you are broadcasting it. If a blind eye were turned to this, then where do you stop?