. . . . If we were playing a Premier league U23 team? The JPT final was a fantastic occasion and attracted a great crowd, but what if a league one club plays a premier league club in the final? Will that be the death of the current format, or still seen as a good day out? I think it would be a hollow victory for any league 1 or 2 club, and would probably force a rethink.
I wouldn't go regardless. League team or U23 team - it makes no difference. The Bradford game needs to be boycotted just the same as the Everton Feti one. The whole competition is tainted by the inclusion of the U23s.
Thoroughly agree. A competition that didn't get interesting until the regional finals has been diluted.
I'd go and take the young'un, just for the occasion of us being at Wembley, it'd be her 1st trip. But the competition is a sham.
As Extremely Northern said, I couldn't not take my little lad to see us at Wembley again. Last time was one of the best footballing days of his life. Priceless memories. Could be a bit flat though if the fans don't turn out in numbers, which looks likely. As an aside, was the introduction of U23 Prem teams designed to give our young stars of the future competitive men's football in order to improve the future of our home grown talent? I may be wrong, but if so, should we not be facing English only U23s players, or has the competition been wrecked to benefit the youths of all nations?
I would not go if we were playing a premier league under 23"s but would certainly go if it was against a league club . I am of the opinion the win against Oxford gave us invaluable experience & confidence which we took in to the match against Millwall ,& therefore helped us get promotion , both were fantastic days out .
Not wishing to be pedantic- but it’s u21 sides the premier league send. The u23s are essentially reserves - and they don’t even send that side. It’s the next group down. In answer to the question - maybe. I didn’t really like the old jpt, but I did go to the oxford game as I felt it selfish to not go and deny my then 9 year old his first and at the time maybe last chance of seeing us at Wembley. We went back the following month of course so that didn’t materialise, but still. This version of the tournament is a farce. But the final would be a good day out, so I’m not sure. I’m hoping if we get there it will be against another league one or two side, and yes, in that case we’d be going.
I don't understand all this kerfuffle about premier teams U23's entering . It's basically an U23's competition anyway , most clubs field an youth/reserve team , just look at our team sheet from last night full of U23's. I think it brings something different to an otherwise pointless (apart from if you win it) competition .
Wouldn't it be a showing up for the club if we got to the final and 3,000 turned up. Agree with it or not a day out at Wembley is a must for most fan's i would have thought.
I don't agree with the Prem youth teams being in but then I don't agree with a lot of what goes on in football these days. But to see us possibly lift a trophy at Wembley again. Course I would. Or should I wait til we win the League Cup or the FA Cup?
No, it would be a showing up for the competition, because if we only took a few thousand, the premier league under 23/21s support could be even less.
No I wouldn't. I went to the Oxford game and really enjoyed the day out. However even that didn't feel important and I wasn't really bothered when we went behind. So now they have devalued the competition further I can't see myself going to a game under its current format. While I wouldn't be daft enough to say 100%, I wouldn't go I genuinely don't think I would go no matter who we played in a hypothetical final appearance. My view is the only way anyone can't stop this is if fans just don't go, especially to the final. But of course each to their own so I understand some would see it is a good family day out.
Don't you think it would be a hollow victory, beating a premier league youngsters team in front of a tiny crowd at Wembley? The very fact that we've all got different opinions on this tells it's own story. If this was a league or fa cup final against a clubs first team, it wouldn't beg the question.
Not really. Whatever youth team got there would have to have knocked out league clubs to do so. That said, I'd hate it to be against a youth team but evidence so far suggests it's unlikely. The fact is that even in its previous format it wasn't taken seriously by anyone until they got to the last eight. Nevertheless I don't forsee us challenging for any major cups in the near future so to turn our noses up at winning this competition smacks of completely unfounded arrogance. All opinions but that's mine. I'll take as many trophies as we can get our hands on.