Does anyone have a spare programme from today's game? I'm obviously willing to pay the original face value for it. My Mrs sent a photo of us both to it, and I think it is in there. I'm due out of the RAF soon having completed 29 years service, so it would be a nice keepsake for us. We tried to buy one from the Club Shop before kick off, but they had sold out.
TG3 ? AD JAFAD? Have no idea what they are, I was L Fitt A.C. Air Comms. I imagine TG stands for trade group?
Sorry mate, yes TG is Trade Group I joined as an Electronics Technician Air Defence, so worked on Long Range Radars most of my career. They've massively dumbed down the trade now and amalgamated us with TG11, Telecommunication Operators to create TG4
I sent you my address in a conversation I think I've started with you lol. Can't see a reply though so not sure if you got it?
All I know is trades specifically related to telecommunications are allowed to wear them, not sure where it originated from though.
During the first war common blighters like you and me who were below NCO ranks were not allowed to speak to an officer without being asked. Consequently any number of important signals were being missed so they issued a badge to comms people (telegraphers etc) to get round it. Subsequently all comms trades got them. When I was in Air radar and Nav Inst trades didn't get it. There's a good Facebook group called fist and sparks which you might find interesting if you don't already know about it. You must have gone in around the time I got out!
Didn't know that, every day''s a school day as they say. I joined in 1990 after doing 9 years down a coal mine. Yeah seen the Facebook group.