"The league's UK television rights were valued at around £670m when he joined, and the last deal was worth £5.14bn." Not difficult to see why the clubs are happy to give him a relatively minuscule amount of their budget as a send off and sign of gratitude.
see how easy it is, we've already got 11 names on our top ten players in the world list. And that's just from the prem.
You couldnt make this up could you - still if he was only on 2.5million a year I guess he didnt have much to put away in a pension fund so every little helps.
Worth every penny Think of all the lives he saves on a regular basis. All those unsocial hours of buisness he does just so we can pay fortunes to watch a game . Just think of all those hard miles he does in buisness class and having to slum in five star hotels. Just think how he’s had to wrestle Sky BT etc just so the people in the prem can milk every penny whilst throwing the fans crumbs. I think his role has been underestimated and five mill is a pittance poor sod will be visiting food banks all his retirement .