Playing the other team off the pitch for 20 minutes is great to watch. But nowadays you have to play the moronic referees and win penalties. I hope that was a lesson learnt today. Step on opposition toes, take an age to take set pieces when winning and train on diving an hour a day. Good football doesn't cut it this day and age. Gamesmanship (and the odd brown envelope) does.
Exactly. Give Mowatt and Dougall a 'playing the referee, for dummies' handbook and we'll be raking in the points.
I've got to say tho for 90 mins they kicked the ball away deliberately after every decision that went against them. Fair play if they get away with it but I'm not sure we'd do the same !?,
Some clear examples of their shithousery and an inept referee: Their GK on average took 50-60 seconds with all goal kicks. Over 10 mins of lost play. They stole 10 yards on nearly every throwing, one occasion took one on half way line that must have been 20 yds in their own half - nowt said by ref. Yet he whistled and send us back for throwins. They got a free kick in second half, ref marked the balk as midway on one of the grass cut sections then marched out 10yds? The wall was placed a full 2 grass cut rows back which in my book is 15 yds - wtf? Obv one was the penalty where McGeedy was already on his way down, ref not in the picture but he reacted to the crowd noise. Ref gave a free kick for an incident he had his back to based on crowd noise. They shithoused fake injuries to slow game down, nowt done by ref. Wtf happened to 6 second rule for keepers? Only 5 mins added for 6 subs, 3 injuries of over a minute plus other stoppages. None of the above would have made much difference to the end result save the penalty one but we are seeing this type of inconsistent and inept level of refereeing every week. Boils my piss tbh
Hallelujah thank you. We need to learn to do the same when these poxy teams try it on. Turn the tables.
Hallelujah thank you. We need to learn to do the same when these poxy teams try it on. Turn the tables
That wasnt the reason we lost tho? We still struggled to create any clear cut chances despite having alot of possession in dangerous areas. I dont think they were anything special really they just had a little bit of quality where it mattered.
I think the term is "being proffesional" or "playing cute" either way we need at least to use it a bit. I noticed against donny for the mowatt foul (at last) that we had 8 players round the sometimes need to do your homework and find out about the ref...and "play him". If you notice the ahem ....experienced players are always in the refs ear...snd genrally it works. Rules are only rules as long as everyone adhears to them...lets get with it and be errrr ..cute or professional a bit more. Oh and yes... that wasnt the reason we lost last night ...we have played worse and won this season (bristol rovers)...we still need more urgency around the box...sure it will come as long as we dont sell all our best players and replace em with more jan.
Indeed and it's going to keep happening aswell, a lot of work needed on the training ground and also the midfield need to help out more covering aswell if we're expecting the full backs to keep pushing forward.
It's not about do we want to win games by cheating its more do we want to stop losing games due the opposition knowing how to cheat and we don't Whilst I tend to assume a big club biased like last night (he virtually gave that penalty that never was before the players hit the ground) i don't think the likes of donny get a big club biased. However they played the ref all game on Saturday. The best example of which was in the first half where potts was being fouled for 20 yards, their player still couldn't get the better of him so he threw himself on the floor. Immediately a foul was given against potts who had he gone down for any of the build up would have got the foul against him. I hate the fact the game is like that but the refs are so poor and without video assistance we will keep losing close games through bad decisions if we don't learn the dark arts too. I also think have a goalkeeper as captain so he can't try to control his playersplayers and the ref isn't helpful either