Not a lover of Corbyn but looking closely at the video he does appear to say "stupid people". Whole thing is a bl**dy pantomime anyway. Political shennigans of the highest order at PMQT. Like kids in the playground and May's pantomime jibes were cringeworthy. Media as usual all over it when there are far more important things to focus on.
Disagree - the mouth shape and lips look like a 'Pee..' not a 'Woo...? (and I am certainly not a lover of Corbyn)
Desperate Tories and their cronies clinging onto something what they, err well desperately need. No doubt the majority Tory supporting ***** press and media will be spinning it out to its max
It was great TV loved every minute of it . I put it on silent and said to my wife and daughter "what do you think he said"? they both said " stupid woman " . He should hold his hands up .
Exactly. Not a single mention from our established MSM about the Tories re-instating MPs convicted of sex offences the other day. Low and behold Corbyn will be all over the front pages tomorrow however.
I don't think the second word looks like either "woman" or "people". It might be something far more controversial. I wager that if Theresa May had said "stupid man", there wouldn't be half the furore though.
Sorry you're right 'stupid woman' is certainly 2 words . Me and the Mrs aren't talking at the minute so the 3 words might be in my head .
In your opinion, ‘nowt to do with the press’ what a joke that is watch the usual Tory ***** rags tomorrow then. like I said earlier desperate Tories and their cronies going to try and milk this to the hilt.
Exactly, it’s a **** storm that is perfectly timed to deflect attention from a government who is failing this country. Now he shouldn’t have said it if indeed he did because she’s not stupid, she is many things but not stupid.
It's a complete non story and I can't believe so much focus has been put on it. I do think he said stupid woman but who really cares? In the context that it was used it was definitely not misogynistic. Worse things get said every day and nobody really cares.
It's just a game . What do you think the Daily Mirror would print if Theresa May had said ,' Stupid Man ' ? They all piss in the same pot .
Just what is the issue? Is the World going mad? Mouth shapes, interpretation, speculation. If someone had said 'stupid man' as must happen a million times a day in whatever language, not a word would have been uttered.