Went to blackpool game but due to work dint set off till after 1 from pontefract and just made ko. When getting to my seat on back row i quickley realised nearly every body was pissed up lol even the 15 year old stone island wanna be hard men. This made the singing atmosphere superb especially the woodrow song. Only down side is when very drunk they all seem to get on the davies and cavare are **** bandwagon, which is shoot ing there confidence to bits when there in our team we are all tarn are we as they sing, get off there backs, if stendel picks em we get behind em. Come on u reds.
Never understood this voiceferous singling out of players at matches (whether criticism is justified or not) I get the moans and groans during the game, I often do it it’s part and parcel and just natural reaction to an incident in a particular passage of the game. However, this collective hating/ booing of players serves no purpose except maybe to give the opposition a lift. It’s simple really, save the booing etc until the end of the game.
Only person I have ever booed associated with the club was "The Berk," Keith Hill. I sit with a couple of mates who are always on Cavare's back and the "oracle" that sits behind slags Davis off every time he touches the ball. They're easy to wind uo though when they do something good.
Davies probably playing best since being at club, anybody who thinks he was ace during promotion season just go back and watch highlights he was always steady away at best, no use slagging him he is doing his best which is about the level we are at, big Keef misses about 2 clear cut chances every game but cos he's a striker he can get away wiv it
You must have been near us mate. We were on the back row, and the bloke at the side of us slated Davies and Cavare from start to finish. When Davies made the save with his feet he said nowt, so I loudly shouted "well saved Davies!"
Moan, Moan, foooooking moan, we are all guilty of it, and i'd say that at times it meks us all feel better. I thought that being a SUPPORTER, was going to games to watch your team, whatever the outcum. Ive bin all over the Country watching Barnsley and i'm sure most on ere av an all, its just that were British/ English and its in our nature. BUT PLEASE STOP MOANING ABART THE PIES, I FOOOOKING LOVE EM,
I’m not guilty of moaning at our players !!! If someone as you say is taking it out on our own players because they want to feel better about their horrible little lives then it’s up to the rest of us to shut these miserable c@nts up !!! In which ever way yer like. We want Barnsley to be successful - we are there to give them support and encouragement so they are successful.
Some of the negativity I hear from the terraces towards one or two of our players is quite incredible and often totally disproportionate with the game they are having.
I know at times our beloved club can drive everyone to distraction with individual displays of bad play but now is the time of the season to back all the lads on pitch or on bench they need us C.O.Y.R.