Been at Barnsley Bowl tonight with their families, both stopped and had pictures with fans, taking time to talk etc, had a few drinks and games of pool with their kids then played bowling. Nice to see them interacting in the town they're working in!
I think it is great that they take the time to engage with everyone: it’s a marker as to the type of people that they are.
I bet they've wondered where they've landed .Years of hard work and they end up in Athersley South .God bless them .
To be fair they're looked really happy to speak, in the entire place there must have been a handful if that which actually asked for pictures etc, but Mrs Winkler even stopped to speak and was shaking hands of the fans. I don't think it's a shame, in my opinion it was really nice to see if I'm honest. They could have quite easily gone to the likes of Meadowhall or Centertainment and what not and quite easily have gone unnoticed. So fair play to them for happily engaging, which is definitely what it looked like and certainly didn't dampen any of their moods by the look of it.
I just feel that there is a time and a place to bother people. If it was just the two men fair enough or on their own somewhere. Out on a date night or with their young families I think they should be left alone to enjoy some family time without fans mivering.
Perhaps they didn’t see it as being ‘bothered’ or think people were ‘mivering’ them. Perhaps they went out knowing full well that they would be approached and welcomed the good wishes and friendliness of the locals. I don’t think they went out thinking that no- one would approach them and want to speak to them. Just a thought.
They don't owe us fans their rare spare family time. They aren't like the players who have short days compared to management. People can pop to training to see them. Can go to the players entrance after a game. Wait for the team coach to arrive at an away game. You might see one of them popping for a pint of milk in the supermarket or have a situation like the summer where he was having a pint watching the world cup in the pub. When they are out with their young kids that's not the time to fan girl them like they are rock stars or Hollywood A listers that you might never see again in person. They were spotted in the town they work in and enjoying local life and what it has to offer. They shouldn't have to pop to a neighbouring town or city to have an evening without being approached.
I think I'd give them a nod or thumbs up if I saw them out, shows them a bit of respect and acknowledgement without interfering in their personal time
I suppose the wives and children could look at it two ways 1) Be pleased that their husbands and dads have been welcomed into the community and enjoy talking to the locals. 2) Be annoyed that their precious time together has been interrupted Hopefully they were more of the former and they had a good time.
If they are bothered about it they could easily post something in the prog notes, on here and on the official website along the lines of,....It was great to meet the fans and thank them for all the good wishes and shows of support for what we are trying to achieve which are appreciated but we ask fans to respect our family time together during the holidays and not ask for photos etc. We try to create as many opportunities as possible where we can meet and communicate with fans. I am sure no-one would take offence at that or consider them standoffish or aloof in any way.