You’re a bore James. Likes of you have dragged this forum down for years. Don’t worry about me going to games. I must be hallucinating.
I think I could go for reincarnation as a concept but not if it meant coming back and ploughing the same furrow over and over again.
I don't worry about it a jot. I'm just saying that with you not going to games you might feel you have nothing to contribute. Maybe if you had summat worth saying you could lift the board back up.
Just the home games mainly. Pick and choose my away games nowadays and I won't be choosing to go to Luton on New Year's Day. Or any other day,
The board has gone downhill for years. Your moaning has killed it for me. Hence why I hardly post. Played well Boxing Day didnt we. Or are you still in that bubble of roasting absolutely every player. Anyway done replying to you. I’ve spent 10s of thousands following this club since 1979. I don’t have to justify myself to you.
I'll miss our tête-à-têtes but all things must come to an end. You're right though. No one on here has to justify anything to anyone else.
Poor responses Fitzy. Often disagreed with you but generally respected you as a poster. I think I'll have to consign you to the ball bag bin now.
I get what you are saying, but it does also show that the level the team anyone supports isn't the be all and end all. Their comments ring true with many opinions posted on here last season. I can't judge my own sanity, but going back to our time in the Premier League, I honestly had more enjoyment getting there than being there.
Agree to a very large extent. I enjoyed the very high profile we had that year, when everybody talked about Barnsley. I enjoyed the packed out Oakwell. But singing we are gonna win 6-5 wears a bit thin after a while.
Give over you silly bugger! I can't remember you ever agreeing with me. You have about as much respect as I do for you. Zilch! Don't try to take the high ground when I gave you the opportunity to qualify your sarcastic remark about Superfans. - your reply? A reference to my use of punctuation. Please tell me you're going to block me. I'd really like that. Just need a couple of others to do the same and it'll be a better forum.