Where does it say that? All I can see is that if I click on live match centre for the Luton game it says "Access to the match live on iFollow will be available here shortly before kick-off"
EFL Clubs will be able to live-stream in the UK and Ireland any league match via their respective iFollow (or equivalent) service that takes place outside the blocked hours of 14.45-17.15 on Saturday afternoons and that is not broadcast live on Sky Sports. Fixtures taking place on Bank Holidays or Easter will be unavailable for streaming.
According to the support staff at Ifollow it was the choice of clubs whether to show matches on Boxing Day or not and " this is also the case for New Years Day" But " both clubs have declined to make the match pass available". So it seems the Club could help us out here!!!!
Exactly. Would be a great gesture to fans who can't attend on the day for the club to allow us to watch it live.
I just wish there was more information from the club regarding what's available and why certain games aren't. The last time a match pass was unavailable I had to find out the reason on here.
Ifollow seem to have no idea what's going on Hi. Any idea why tomorrow's game is showing as not on ifollow but boxing day was? For video I mean Me Hello, my name is Max. How may I help you? Max Any idea why tomorrow's game is showing as not on ifollow but boxing day was? For video I mean Sorry I mean new years day not tomorrow Me Unfortunately, a match pass will not be available for the fixture. It is the clubs decision on whether they will show the fixture on the ifollow platform. Max Is it the home club who say no to increase attendance? Me As it is a bank is a holiday, special broadcast restrictions apply to broadcasts. Max That's a different answer to what you just gave? Boxing day was also a bank holiday though but that was shown live so I'm just a little confused about how random it seems what is and isn't shown. Me Unfortunately, we will be unable to show fixtures that are not provided for us. Max
Luton's choice if its streamed live but they declined it as they thought it would impact gates. Our club are talking to the EFL to see if we can get it on the basis it's a sell out Fingers crossed
Certainly.on new years day/boxing day the home clubs have had that choice but I'm not sure if that is generally the case or not
Good for the club, very appreciated!! Honestly don’t see why any game that’s a total sell outshouln’t be streamed.
Let's remember that our club gave the Luton fans entry for 10 quid when we played them a couple of months ago at Oakwell. (We were live on Sky) Luton, in return, increased their away tickets prices for us and are also denying us sales of probably a 1000 iFollow passes by not allowing it to be streamed. Lacking class.
Would be unfair to the fans who opted to travel because the match was not originally scheduled to be streamed. If it is to be streamed then we should all know before a ticket is sold.
Honestly don't think it would have made any difference, I strongly suspect anybody going down down there on New Years Day were very likely to have gone anyway like the die hard away following. There was always a chance it could have been streamed after the Boxing Day one was shown and they still bought tickets. You could also argue that not opting to stream it is unfair on people like the elderly and infirm or disabled who couldn't travel
How are the iFollow sales split between the clubs and the EFL? I assume we wouldn’t get to keep 100%?